WinsockAFD-2014...dmp 800 mb size


why ccleaner not delete this file?

windows regularly creates this file with current date

Windows assigns the self as a waste and you can delete it on the drive activity-cleanup.

why not ccleaner?

attach file is not running...

location of this file in windows 8.1

C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\WinsockAFD-2014*.dmp with 786 mb

Is it a locked/in-use file? If it is locked/in-use you wouldn't be able to right-click and delete it in Windows and that's why CCleaner also wouldn't be able to delete it.

no, its not a "locked/in-use file"... i can delete this file/files manually

Can be added this file/s into next ccleaner version?

It would be a good idea to find out why this file keeps getting created in the first place.

It may be a graphics driver conflict or something like that.

Perhaps download Who Crashed

or Blue Screen View

and see what is causing the errors and then you can do something about it.

Do you get any other messages?

What av are you using?

i have download the tool "who crashed" but it seems to verify only "c:\Windows\Minidump" -not "c:\Windows\LiveKernel..."

on my laptop no blue screens surfaced until now.

i got no any other messages, but in the event viewer are occasionally error messages - no graphic problems

my av is AVG2015 free


You could always just add the file as an 'include' when you do a ccleaner run, until you do more research into what keeps causing it.

yes, I did:-)

But I still do not realize why Windows created a " .dmp" with the size of 800 MB. The normal size of a .dmp is around 300 KB or less right?

the normal path of system error-logging is C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\WinsockAFD "WinsockAFD2014....dmp" round 259 kb size;

but this enormous file with 800 mb size is C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports "WinsockAFD2014....dmp"

both are the same file-name, but enormous size difference...

I had the error-reporting and the system error-logging disabled in Windows 8.1.

What are you running when these dumps are made?

What AV?

I don't think \LiveKernelReports is a normal Windows dumping ground for errors.

Chances may be that some other program is creating these dumps; a game, video driver.....

What are you running when these dumps are made?

What AV?

I don't think \LiveKernelReports is a normal Windows dumping ground for errors.

Chances may be that some other program is creating these dumps; a game, video driver.....

I dont know what was running at the time of the creation of these files ...

my AV is AVG2015

possible as it is actually the Nvidia driver, although it since I had the file deleted from recently, there has been no further such files. (the nvidia driver had crashed a few times in the past...but not in recent times) but some of these files were created without nvidia crash.

does really create nvidia after a crash his "log- or dump-file" in this directory in this size?

it could not be windows itself? I had the dmp creation turned off at the system control, because I can not do with the report files as a normal user ... now i have it reactivated.

whatever who knows what reasons there are for such files...