Is it a locked/in-use file? If it is locked/in-use you wouldn't be able to right-click and delete it in Windows and that's why CCleaner also wouldn't be able to delete it.
I don't think \LiveKernelReports is a normal Windows dumping ground for errors.
Chances may be that some other program is creating these dumps; a game, video driver.....
Idont know whatwasrunning at the timeof thecreationof these files...
my AV is AVG2015
possibleasit is actuallythe Nvidiadriver,althoughit since Ihad thefiledeleted fromrecently, there has beenno furthersuch files. (thenvidiadriverhadcrasheda fewtimesin the past...but not in recent times)butsome of thesefileswerecreated withoutnvidiacrash.
does really create nvidia after a crash his "log- or dump-file" in this directory in this size?
it could not bewindowsitself?I hadthe dmpcreationturned off at the system control,because I can notdo with thereportfilesas a normaluser... now i have it reactivated.