Winodws 7 Explorer Recent Pages Cleaning

Is there an option to have CCleaner clear the Windows 7 Explorer Recent Pages list?

I realize that it is cleared when Explorer is terminated, but I was wondering if there was a way to have CCleaner clear it.

Do you mean internet explorer or explorer.

If the later what do you mean recent pages? I don't have anything like recent pages is (file) explorer.

Do you mean this


If so that is cleaned by "Task Bar Jump Lists"

Do you Mean this


If So that is Cleaned By "Other Explorer MRUs" As Far as my minor testing it will only clean the history if the (file) explorer windows are a closed

Both of those Items are on the first Tab "Windows" under "windows explorer"

I meant File Explorer. And by "recent pages", I meant the little downward pointing blue triangle arrow in the very left of your second JPG, and also the ability to click on big blue left-pointing arrow in the top left of the File Explorer screen.

In my testing, CCleaner doesn't affect that as long as File Explorer is up. If File Explorer is brought down, that history is automatically reset. I would, of course, like CCleaner to clean it while File Explorer is up [smiles]. I was wondering if there was a way.


In my testing, CCleaner doesn't affect that as long as File Explorer is up. If File Explorer is brought down, that history is automatically reset. I would, of course, like CCleaner to clean it while File Explorer is up [smiles]. I was wondering if there was a way.

Are you afraid that you would invade your own privacy if you could see a reminder of the folders you previously looked at ? ! ! !

Will this increase that amount of free RAM ?

Please explain what benefit you expect from this.

<< Are you afraid that you would invade your own privacy if you could see a reminder of the folders you previously looked at ? >>

I think it might (possibly!) invade my privacy if someone ELSE could see a list of folders I previously looked at.

Isn't part of the point of CCleaner to delete signs of use?

So you leave your computer running and logged in when you leave it unattended for others in your house to access ?

If they can peek they can do other things.

Can they use your administrator privileges to accidentally or otherwise do damage ?


I guess it's about looking, not doing.

I prefer leaving File Explorer up when I leave my PC, and I would have liked CCleaner to clear its history if that were possible. But I realize that I can't do that with Firefox... I have to close Firefox for CCleaner to work on it. If the same is true for File Explorer, I guess I can just get used to closing it if I need to...

Please note: for those reading this. When we talk about closing Explorer (in this case) we only mean closing the file explorer window not killing/restarting the Explorer Process (as is needed for other parts of ccleaner)