Windows XP repair install question

Has anyone done an XP repair install? Does it take as long as a regular install? Does it mess up any data or program files?

If you've got an OEM restore CD from the likes of Dell the repair option may not even work, well that's what I experienced recently.

If you've got an OEM restore CD from the likes of Dell the repair option may not even work, well that's what I experienced recently.

I have an OEM WIndows XP Home CD from NewEgg.

Yes I have. It works fine but does take a fair while to complete. However, the bonus is you will NOT have to reinstall all your programs and drivers again.

This may help

PS. Should also have mentioned that if you have installed IE7 that must be removed before you do the repair.

Yes I have. It works fine but does take a fair while to complete. However, the bonus is you will NOT have to reinstall all your programs and drivers again.

This may help

PS. Should also have mentioned that if you have installed IE7 that must be removed before you do the repair.

IE 7 was installed as part of the XP installation. Do I still need to uninstall it?

Here's the situation. I just did a new build a couple of weekends ago. While installing XP, the monitor I was using kept turning itself off. Without thinking, I hit the enter key and escape key the first couple of times it did it. After the install finished, I switched out monitors.

Since I started up the new computer, it boots up a bit slower than I expected, and it sits on windows update forever (and I mean a realy long time). Several other applications also seem longer than they should be. Could this be caused by how the install went?