Windows XP Pre-fetch Cleaning Option

I recently came accross an article on another Website where it is strongly advised to uncheck this option in Crap Cleaner because it will slow Windows XP down.

I have always left this option checked, and have used Crap Cleaner for quite some time

without any noticeable effect.

Is this something newly discovered, and will it be addressed in a future version.

A little guidance would be appreciated here :)


I recently came accross an article on another Website where it is strongly advised to uncheck this option in Crap Cleaner because it will slow Windows XP down.

Well another member posted a similar question a couple of days ago but for some reason, his question was entirely deleted from the forum.

Let's hope this one is not and you get a concrete answer as it is a much discussed topic. I would personally like to see a "yes" or "no" answer instead of some long technical discussion about the subject.

This has been discussed numerous times here on the forums; it is safe to remove because it is OLD prefetch data. Meaning obsolete, no longer used, etc. :)

I think searchlight you have answered your own question when you stated that you have always left this option checked with no noticable effect. :)