windows vista firewall

A good article here on the vista firewall, which can monitor incoming and outgoing traffic, but outgoing is switched off by default!

It would be nice if they'd have an XP SP3 role out (this decade) with a bidirectional firewall.

It would be nice if they'd have an XP SP3...

I thought that was Vista ^_^:lol:

Microsoft has encountered a problem. Fatal error#Vista

Anybody know of a Vista snap-on for the new firewall that will make predefined rules for popular programs? Manually setting the rules is

nearly useless because the firewall doesn't tell what programs are being blocked outbound. Maybe some configuration files that can

be added to the rules lists?

Kaspersky's firewall is greatly weakened because App integrity control doesn't work in Vista and my trial is running out!

However, my ISP offers Mcafee's Firewall with anti-virus and anti-spam (you pick and choose; although I use NOD32, and did use Zone Alarm).

Stay away from mcafee. Honestly its garbage. Is your ISP comcast?

I don't know of anything that will configure the vista firewall though. :(

I found an add-on to the Vista Firewall from Sphinx Software. It adds program based firewall rules and the like. It seems ok, but the

fit and finish of the software look kind of old. Anyone try it? They have one for XP too.

Stay away from mcafee. Honestly its garbage. Is your ISP comcast?

I don't know of anything that will configure the vista firewall though. :(

I use Comcast, and it has been quite good. I just don't understand their choice of software, but I didn't think Mcafee was

that bad?

To be honest, Comcast is so damn fast (with TCP optimizer too) everything else seems slow, even the 1.5-3.0 Mbps.

Kaspersky firewall slows down my connection a bit. I am spoiled, because it is still fast, but I am used to it being faster

under Zone Alarm Pro! :lol:

I found an add-on to the Vista Firewall from Sphinx Software. It adds program based firewall rules and the like. It seems ok, but the

fit and finish of the software look kind of old. Anyone try it? They have one for XP too.

Yes I mentioned it here. I'm still using it after about 6 weeks, so its passed the test in my opinion:

I use Comcast, and it has been quite good. I just don't understand their choice of software, but I didn't think Mcafee was

that bad?

To be honest, Comcast is so damn fast (with TCP optimizer too) everything else seems slow, even the 1.5-3.0 Mbps.

Kaspersky firewall slows down my connection a bit. I am spoiled, because it is still fast, but I am used to it being faster

under Zone Alarm Pro! :lol:

Comcast isn't that bad I guess. (I have it too)

But Mcafee is pure crap.

But Mcafee is pure crap.

I've used umpteen versions of McAfee products in the past and it is indeed crap!

And calling it crap isn't software bashing in this instance, especially when it's the absolute truth! ;)

Anybody know of a Vista snap-on for the new firewall that will make predefined rules for popular programs?

Thread is a little old, but I just found this free add-on for the Windows Firewall.

I haven't tried any of the leak tests, but it does prompt you to allow or block any program trying to access the internet.

No problems on my Vista Ult. machine.

Thread is a little old, but I just found this free add-on for the Windows Firewall.

I haven't tried any of the leak tests, but it does prompt you to allow or block any program trying to access the internet.

No problems on my Vista Ult. machine.

PC Tools Firewall Plus isn't an add-on to Windows Firewall it is a complete replacement. It will completely disable Windows Firewall.

I've been using it for several weeks now and I'm really liking it as it doesn't bother me one bit. Something else I like about it is the visual systray animation can be disabled during traffic so I don't even notice it.