I am trying to uninstall all Adobe products but get a "1606" error every time I try. I was told that this product would help fix this issue but after running all cleaners the issue remains. Have I missed something? If you have any help in this matter or know of another product that would help me please let me know. Feel free to e-mail me at [address removed by moderation].
Thank you for your assistance.
The 1606 error indicates some sort of registry corruption, which CCleaner may not be able to fix.
You don't specify the full message text, so it's difficult to suggest a solution, but you may want to have a look at this article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/886549. If it's any of these environment variables (like %APPDATA%) appearing in your message, then this will fix it.
Alternatively you can use the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility to remove the recalcitrant Adobe programs.
Don't throw away CCleaner just because it didn't help with your problem; it still does a great job of cleaning up unneeded stuff from your computer.
If you continue to have problems with Adobe products, you may get more expert help in the appropriate Adobe forums http://forums.adobe.com/index.jspa/