Hello Everyone!
I wanted to give a quick summary of the issue as well as the current working solutions.
Issue Summary
Some users have reporting an issue when the update KB2454826. After installing the update, you may experience the follow STOP on a blue screen:
STOP: 0x0000007F
Applies to
Windows 7 (All editions).
First, you will need to roll back to a previous state prior to the update. To do so, you can use system restore via the recovery environment. Here are some details:
Method 1: Update Video Card driver
Support feedbacks suggest that by update the video card driver prior to installing the update resolve the problem.
Video card manufacturers often release updates to their drivers to enhance performance or fix compatibility. If you need the latest driver for your video card, visit the support section on your video card manufacturer's website for information on how to download and install the newest driver.
Method 2: Remove Daemon Tool Driver (SPTD.SYS).
Thank you Professor Fate for sharing
One of the Answers users have suggested that they resolved the issue by removing a daemon tool.
1. Confirm that the driver exists on the system. The file should be located in C:\windows\system32\drivers.
2. If the driver exists, steps to remove the software can be found here:http://forum.daemon-tools.cc/f26/my-system-wont-boot-after-installation-v4-problems-sptd-sys-6828/
Please post your results (even if you are successful at resolving the issue).
When posting, please include the following details:
- Operating System
- Architecture (32bit or 64bit)
- Video card Hardware
- Current video card driver information
You should be able to capture all of the above details via DirectX Diagnostic Tool:
1. ClickStart, type dxdiag in the Start Search box, and then clickdxdiag in the Programs list.
The DirectX Diagnostic Tool opens.
2. In the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, click the Display tab.
The video card's name and the video card's manufacturer are listed under Device. The driver version is listed under Drivers.