Hello. I bought and installed a full copy of CCleaner for one the work computers on Tuesday 23rd April, in order to combat the Windows Update Cleaner's inability to clear said updates from the C: drive.
I ran the CCleaner and not only did it fail to clear the old updates, but I am now prevented from receiving ANY e-mails through Outlook.
Anyone with any idea why this has happened, and what to do about it?
Hello, firstly I cannot stress enough to remove that image as contains emails. Some may be personal. The next is NOTHING other than windows built-in disc cleaner should attempt to remove these folders. Yes, it might take hours.
The error is telling you to validate your Outlook Express account configuration. Specifically, if you click on the Tools menu in Outlook Express, then click on the Accounts menu.
Finally, it is also possible that your mail server may simply be down. It does happen.
Hello. I tried to remove the image, but it wouldn't let me. Secondly, it's not the first error that is causing concerns. The second error is the problem. 0x80004005 is the error code, simply described as 'The operation failed'. The other computers in this office do not have this problem and have not had CCleaner put onto them, let alone had it run. I ran the disc cleaner, and after the couple of hours it took the old Update files were still there.