WINDOWS\TEMP\gisfd46d\2.4.1368.5602\... files?


For several days now CCleaner has not deleted the above mentioned kind of files, about 50 items with different extensions? Does anybody know what this is about?

Thanks of help.


If 'several' stands for 'two', then most likely the 'Only delete files in Windows temp folders older than 48 hours' advanced option is activated.


If 'several' stands for 'two', then most likely the 'Only delete files in Windows temp folders older than 48 hours' advanced option is activated.


Thanks for replying. As a matter of fact, the solution was to use CCleaner on the administrator page. So, no problem anymore.


'Only delete files in Windows temp folders older than 48 hours' advanced option is activated.

It seems that this option doesn't work correctly. I discovered temp files of 2007 and of spring and summer 2008. These files aren't used anymore. so why doesn't CCleaner delete them?

If I deselect that option, CCleaner deletes them directly.

It seems that this option doesn't work correctly. I discovered temp files of 2007 and of spring and summer 2008. These files aren't used anymore. so why doesn't CCleaner delete them?

If I deselect that option, CCleaner deletes them directly.

Perhaps CCleaner is still waiting for them to be more than 48 hours old,

and perhaps it is deciding this on the basis of "last accessed" rather than "Modifed" or "created".



Thanks for that hint.

Does anybody know, which attribute is checked for that cleaning?