I have acquired (don't know how) a number of tmp files in the C:/windows/temp folder. Most of these take the form CAVn (n= any hexadecimal number 1 to F), though there are also REG and Perflib_Perfdata files too. CCleaner cannot clean out these files, and manual deletion is also impossible, as this generates an error message that the file is in use. Can anyone suggest how these files might be cleaned out? They don't take up a great deal of memory, but they are an irritation. Thanks for any suggestions.
Hello, and I apologize for the late answer (I am actually swiming through the old posts to find ones like yours). I assume you are speaking of files which look along the lines of
I freaked out at first (the other day) when I saw that ccleaner was not deleting these files from the %temp% folder. These files (as found by using unlocker) are related to internet explorer and programs which embed internet explorer. Most of the time they are deleted when internet explorer closes completely, I did find that they did not delete when I killed the process via taskmanager, but it was no longer locked with outlook closed and ccleaner took it out easily.
I hope this answer explains these files to you