Windows-tab script in Notepad?

Is it possible to set up a script in Notepad that when opened, it runs the windows-tab feature of Vista with Aero? I'm looking to set-up my Dell touchpad to where when I press both buttons, the 3D window switcher comes up, instead of pressing the Windows and tab keys.


I'm confused... are you just trying to remap a button?

I think he wants to run the Win+Tab key from a command prompt/script.

Really? how strnage.

In that case it would be just

		 set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	 WshShell.SendKeys "%({TAB})" 
	 WScript.Sleep 100

save as AltTab.vbscript

Im un aware of a way to keep focus of the switch though, dont think it works like that

You could also use


if you know the app you want to get focus of

Well, to clarify things up a bit, I have a laptop and within the mouse settings, there is an option to set-up what happens when you press both buttons. There's options like: do nothing, left click, double click, search, and run. The run option allows you to open up a file when you press both buttons. I was looking for a way to write a script in Notepad(to save as BAT or something else) that does the same action as pressing the Windows and Tab keys(with Aero)- 3D window switch. I'm just looking for a way to press both buttons of my mouse to switch weapons, instead of pressing keys.

...If you were in a game and have the Left Mouse Button + Right Mouse Button set to the script above, it would swap you out of the game not swap weapons.

So why are you wanting to window switch while in game, and what has that to do with switching weapons?

So why are you wanting to window switch while in game, and what has that to do with switching weapons?

I don't think they understand that calling a script out side the game would take focus from the actual game it self.

Tbh if the game dont show the option of both mouse key press i dont no of a way it would be possible to force it.

It could be possible but your best bet would likely go to the game you are playing forum and ask them.

...If you were in a game and have the Left Mouse Button + Right Mouse Button set to the script above, it would swap you out of the game not swap weapons.

So why are you wanting to window switch while in game, and what has that to do with switching weapons?

So much for clarification. I meant "windows", not "weapons." :blink: