Windows System files missing after running CCleaner

Version of CCleaner - v2.04.543 - Slim

Version of Internet Explorer - 7 with all updates applied

Version of Operating System - Windows XP Professional (DOMAIN)

We have used CCleaner for over a year across 200 plus computers.

The product has worked great up until this last build that was pushed.

I have built a maintenance script that is using batch calls to call the

Unattended removal (CCleaner /AUTO) which is supposed to run and

remove the CRAP. I have verified that that switch removes some

of the temp files, but immediately running CCleaner without the /AUTO

displays a ton of temp files.

This is not even the beginning of the problem!

The issue that this discussion is leading to is how we have most recently

had an incident with CCleaner that has either replaced Windows System

files, and caused the system to be missing HAL.DLL and all of the other

files needed for startup.

I have done much internal testing on this. During this maintenance time,

the screen displays a notification about are you sure you want to replace

the system file. This obviously has halted that maintenance package that

has ran in the past oh so well.

We were even considering donating funds for the great things CCleaner

has done for us, but now we are considering another route.

PS- The only solution that I have found for this is to Repair the Windows

Installation, or perform a system restore, as the reboot after Temp clean

would immediately not load Windows.


I have the same problems as yours, how can we repair the Windows installation ?

Thanks !


Whilst we're confident CCleaner wouldn't cause such a problem. We're always happy to look into issues.

Can you please provide more detailed information on exactly what files it tried to replace, and under which cleaning process it did this.

Additionally any more technical details would be of great use.




Whilst we're confident CCleaner wouldn't cause such a problem. We're always happy to look into issues.

Can you please provide more detailed information on exactly what files it tried to replace, and under which cleaning process it did this.

Additionally any more technical details would be of great use.




My problems is the Windows can not load.

Today is the same, but the second times, it's no problem....

After i restarted the computer, it's the same, first time, can not load. but second times it's o.k..

Pls comment. Thanks for your help.