Windows Size/Location Cache

I have been trying to figure-out what setting the 'Windows Size/Location Cache' check box does. I was hoping it would prevent me from losing the size of an application window but this does not seem to be the case. Next I thought it resets the Windows Explorer settings but this is also not the case. So, would someone please tell me exactly what this option does?

Thank You!

I have been trying to figure-out what setting the 'Windows Size/Location Cache' check box does. I was hoping it would prevent me from losing the size of an application window but this does not seem to be the case. Next I thought it resets the Windows Explorer settings but this is also not the case. So, would someone please tell me exactly what this option does?

Thank You!

Hello again,

From The CCleaner Guide.

Window Size/Location Cache

Windows Explorer stores the view formatting and ordering settings for each folder on your system. After some time, this can contain a large amount of redundant data and may even slow down browsing for files on your system. Selecting this option will clear this data and reset the Windows Explorer display settings to their default option.

Some users don't like all their settings reset to the defaults.

Like any Advanced option I would never leave the option on. Just use it once and decide if you will ever use it again. I won't.

Good luck,

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites