"Windows Size/Location Cache" bug?

Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago, I posted in the CCleaner Bug Reporting forum.

As I got no replies, I'll now post in CCleaner Discussion.

I would like to mention a possible bug in CCleaner.

I don't know if it's a known bug.

I use CCleaner since Februari 2008, but since a few months, since about the last five new CCleaner updates, let's say since about November 2008, there's something different.

I use Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, 32 bits.

My current version for CCleaner is v2.19.889, the newest version.

In CCleaner I don't check the box for "Windows Size/Location Cache", cause I don't want that cleaned,

but it seems like CCleaner cleans this nevertheless.

Or maybe it's something else that happens? Could it be a Windows bug?

Whatever the exact cause, the consequence is that when I use CCleaner, Windows Explorer view-settings are being been reset, and also window sizes for several Windows features (like for instance Windows Update and Windows Network Center) are being reset to standard windows, while I like to open those as Maximized.

This happens when I use CCleaner,

and this is happening since a few months, since about the last five new updates, since about November 2008.

It looks to me as if CCleaner cleans the Windows Size/Location Cache even when this option is un-checked.

This is rather annoying, of course, if one doesn't intend resetting these Windows Explorer view settings and window size settings.

Is this a know bug, or something new?

If it is a CCleaner bug, it would be wonderful if this bug could be located, and if it could be fixed in the next CCleaner version.

Thanks very much.


Hi Spiff, I don't use Vista, and I don't know why this is happening on your PC. All I can say is the developers do read these posts, and they will be looking into this problem.

Sorry your original post went unanswered, and also sorry that we can't give you a solution right now.

Hi Dennis,

I didn't expect a solution right away, of course. I would've been very much surprised. ^_^

But it would be great if the developers will be looking into this problem.

Thanks very much.


Forum member OuT found some very interesting information relating this 'Size/Location' issue.


CCleaner Bug Reporting

"Windows Size/Location Cache" bug?

CCleaner cleans Size/Location Cache even when option is un-checked

- reply by forum member OuT -

June 22, 2009

Thanks very much, OuT.


Yep, I read that Spiff, it was a good find.

I'm pleased you spotted it, as out of all the threads and posts we've had since this one in May, I would never have remembered to come back to yours I'm afraid. So good spot yourself.
