Windows Office problems!

When i try to open Excel and Word files i am geting this:I_pres_cancel_here_since_I_don.doc

I have always been able to open them without any problem but now i cant do it anymore!?

How can i stop this?


you need to reinstall Microsoft Office. some kind of registry key associated with the installer is missing(or a file). if you don't have the CD, then you might need to buy Office again.

but if you are missing the install CD and don't want to spend $$, you could try other Office alternatives such as OpenOffice.

But why should i reinstall Microsoft Office? I never uninstall it!

The reason why this happened is that on microsoft Outlook 2002 under Help menu i clicked "Detect And Repair.."....and i got that message than i clicked cancel...

Is the only why to fix this problem to reinstall the whole Ofiice again?, there most by another why to fix this(i hope).

Edit:One more thing ,i am abble to open Word,Power Point.... and other office documents,but i'm not abble to open Excel documents only!

open them how? by double-clicking in explorer?

But why should i reinstall Microsoft Office? I never uninstall it!

Maybe not, but there is some kind of error now that messed up your install. Try a full install of Office, selecting all options to avoid those kind of dialogue boxes.

Reinstall, or use the Repair installation function!

There's no reason to troubleshoot it when you can quickly and easily repair the installation in under 5 minutes.

To repair MS Office do this:

1. Simply run the uninstaller from Add or Remove programs.

2. Choose the option in the uninstaller to repair the installation. Repairing the installation will keep all your preferences intact.

The reason why your installation could have went kaput is because of a registry cleaner, and by only removing a few references of MS Office it will break it - been there and done that multiple times. If you use RegSeeker send me a Personal Message and I'll list the registry keys to exlude in RegSeeker so that it doesn't break MS Office.

I belive i solved the problem.

I opened excel through Start/Run,it opened and i went on Help meny and clicked Detect and reapir and i selected only "Discard my customized settings and restore default settings" and clicked Start,than it told me to close all office files, i did so,and it did excel is working the only thing is that it has removed my customized settings from all my office programs so i had to make few changes,it also restored default settings on Outlook(which i use for my email)which was quite bad ,it took a while until i customized it ,the worst thing was that i lost all my contacts,so i had to add them manually,i couldn't find the nowhere(should they have been saved somewhere else?).But now that is working without any problem.

So yes everything seems fine now.

Thanks for your replays guys