Windows/Messenger/Sharing folders

I found a large number of data files here. I would like some help in understanding what they are and what they are logging. If you would like I have a jpg of the window. Thanks, Obi-Ron

Welcome to Piriform Obi.

I found a large number of data files here. I would like some help in understanding what they are and what they are logging. If you would like I have a jpg of the window.

Data files meaning *.dat files or another extension? Which folder are they in? You can post you screenshot if it helps. ;)

Welcome to Piriform Obi.

I found a large number of data files here. I would like some help in understanding what they are and what they are logging. If you would like I have a jpg of the window.

Data files meaning *.dat files or another extension? Which folder are they in? You can post you screenshot if it helps. ;)

Edit: Sorry about the double post I hit submit and nothing happened so I hit it again. :(

Admin please delete this post.

here is a picture of the folders.



here is a picture of the folders.

Hi Obi-Ron,

This thread by DennisD may also be helpful.Many users don't like Sharing Folders at all or just some of it..

Good luck,

:) davey