Windows LiveOne Care

Why does the Live OneCare saftey center registry cleaner find way more items in the same catagories than ccleaner does?

I have attached a screen shot to show the live registry cleaner just run and ccleaner just run to show the diffrence.



Welcome to the CCleaner Forums Typhoon87!

I seriously doubt that all the stuff the online scanner found in your registry is invalid! It absolutely horrified me the last time I used it with the amount of "invalid" entries it labeled in my registry, and when just skimming through them I could tell it was about to butcher the registry thus I didn't use it. If you allow the online scanner to clean your registry make sure you take it up on its offer to create a System Restore point before allowing the cleaning, because I pretty much think you may end up having to use that System Restore point!

On the otherhand CCleaner has a safe registry cleaner and is the only Windows cleaning utility I'll ever say that about. Since CCleaner has a safe registry cleaner one could consider it playing it on the safe non-destructive side since it isn't going to find a horde of entries that are invalid, but the added advantage is CCleaner won't butcher your registry by removing valid entries. What this means is with CCleaner it's unlikely that you'll ever have reinstall applications or Windows itself using the Issues scanner!

just to add a comment, Ccleaner was built from the ground up to be safe.

this means that if its kinda "iffy" on a key, it will just leave it, so to speak.

ccleaner sure doesnt catch as much as other programs but its the safest one ive seen or even heard of :D

ccleaner sure doesnt catch as much as other programs but its the safest one ive seen or even heard of :D

I agree. And I'm glad it's so safe because some other freeware or commercial software can cause nothing but misery.

Okay, thank you much for the answer and I love CCleaner by the way, been using it for about 7 months or so and it just keeps getting better.

CCleaner is developed by only one guy or perhaps some other guys too.

LiveOne Care is developed by Microsoft, a very large company who knows Windows in and out.

There are many system cleaners, and all of them are different, and detect different stuff, and always one misses something that some other don't miss.