Windows Live Messenger

I have used CC for some time as well as Windows Live Messenger. I keep both up to date with the latest releases.

However for the past 18 months or so everytime I run CC all the personal avatar pictures attached to all my contacts are removed. They are replaced next time I chat with one of them but again vanish after I run CC. This never happened until about 18 months ago so something has changed in either or both programs since then.

This is more annoying than anything else. However it would be noice not to lose these pictures as I don't chat with everyone that often and It should surely not happen anyway.

What I would like to know is if there is some settings I can change in CC to stop this happening or is the problem with the latest versions of Windows Live Messenger (ie 2009 and 2011).

I know I am not the only one with this problem so any advice would be very helpful.


can you possibly point us to the directory where Messenger is saving the pictures?