Windows Folder Views all reset

I reboot XP SP3, set my folders view to detailed, and apply to all folders. All folders on all drives now show detail view, and after a reboot they still do (proper operation).

Then I run CCleaner, and they still show detailed view. But after a reboot, all are reset back to XP default.

This just began in the last few weeks, may have been related to a CCleaner update (tested with v2.15.815). Custom Files and Folders checked or not has no effect.

Any ideas? Thanks.


Hi Comissar, and welcome to the forum.

An initial thought is have you got "Window Size/Location" checked in CCleaners "Windows/Advanced" section. If so, it needs to be unchecked. The Custom Files and Folders doesn't apply in this instance.

A second thought is to have a look at your Windows Explorer Settings. Open a System folder, My Documents for example.

Go to "Tools/Folder Options/View", and scroll down to "Remember Each Folders View Settings", and make sure it's checked.

I believe there are Registry tweaks, but it's worth trying the basic ones first.

It was "Window Size/Location" checked in CCleaners "Windows/Advanced" section.

Thanks, DennisD