Windows Explorer View Settings

I prefer my views set to details. If I have CCleaner set to run at start-up Windows Explorer returns to default folder views. In CCleaner settings I have unticked all four boxes for Windows Explorer without effect.

If CCleaner is not set to run at start-up, Windows Explorer retains its detail view settings. Running CCleaner then does not affect the views.

Can anyone suggest a cure?

Windows Explorer View Settings

SORRY more information. After posting this question I had a thought and ran a test. The problem is not with running CCleaner at start-up. If Windows Explorer is used before CCleaner after the computer is booted up, it retains its settings. If CCleaner is used before Windows Explores the Explorer view reverts to folder (Tile) views.

If you have this enabled, disable it under:

Cleaner->Windows tab->Advanced Options->Window Size/Location Cache

...or it may be this one:

Cleaner->Windows tab->Advanced Options->Menu Order Cache

Many thanks Andavari!!

It was Window Size/Location Cache.

The Beginners Guide to CCleaner actually says "Selecting this option will clear tis data AND RESET THE WINDOWS EXPLORER DISPLAY SETTINGS TO THEIR DEFAULT OPTION".

Once again the moral is - Read the b* manual.