Windows Explorer showing incorrect info?


I needed to take some photos off one of my partitions as I like at the very least 20% but better, 25% free on any drive free. So I did this and I moved about 5 or 6 GIGs of info off the partition, and put it on the other. I noticed on the stats and piechart afterwards only recorded about 1 gig differnce, even after a reboot. Why is this?



I needed to take some photos off one of my partitions as I like at the very least 20% but better, 25% free on any drive free. So I did this and I moved about 5 or 6 GIGs of info off the partition, and put it on the other. I noticed on the stats and piechart afterwards only recorded about 1 gig differnce, even after a reboot. Why is this?


"Size" and "Size on disk" may have been different?

Hi Winapp,

Well for starters I actually had only moved some of that data. I just went and checked. However that aside there is still a discrepancy in windows explorer and I've noticed this before and wondered about for a long time...

Now, Im talking about the top layer Folder. When you look at the top layer folder (root?) it doesnt show the "Size" and "Size on disk" options in the properties, only on folders from the 2nd layer in... right? So Im looking at the very top level. Ive uploaded a pic, or I hope I have...I cant see it in the preview.

If you see in all cases the % figures are out. Quite a lot I feel.


That info is for a jpeg file (specifically one of a bat being brushed with a toothbrush, not that that has any bearing on this information)

The "size" is 149Kb, whereas "Size on disk" is 152Kb.

This might not seem like a lot, but when applied to the amount of photos you're speaking of, the difference is substantial.

Thats only 3kb difference, but yours may have been higher (I have some files with over 1mb difference)

So if your "size on disk" were to be say 1mb smaller per file, and each file was say 2mb "size" you effectively only gain half the space upon deletion.

Hope that clears some stuff up :)

Thanks Winapp for your response. :)

Yes I know in the properties there is that difference, and now as I said, Im not so interested in the small portion of files Ive moved of the 5 or 6 GBs I thought I moved and didnt, so that really is a non issue. What Im interested in is in the pic. I'll speak specifically. Right at the top it says 10% Free for the (F) Drive. If 6.53GBs Free is 10% then the total size of that drive should be 65.3GBs! That error is HUGE by almost 100%! In other words 6.53 is not 10% of 34.5. Its a little under 20%.

So why are WindowsExp %ages so far out? :blink:

Perhaps it goes in increments of 10% and rounds to the lowest 10? "almost 20%" being 10% in its eyes? I'll look into it, but I have to go to school this moment.

I agree with Winapp2.ini that the percentages look like rounded figures.

What do the percentages read in Computer Management / Disk Management? (Right-click My Computer and select 'Manage').

Thanks Marmite... :) ..... for some reason I always forget how to find this window, and I was trying to think what it was the other day... :rolleyes:

As you can see from my pic this more accurately portrays the situation .

It just serves to remind me, to ALWAYS look at this instead of W Exp's version of the stats. If Computer management and Windows Exp are both from Billyware you'd think he would be a bit less contradictory :blink: Ah well....

Post Edited to upload the right pic


If Computer management and Windows Exp are both from Billyware you'd think he would be a bit less contradictory

Yeah I can't for the life of me understand why they should be different ... 'specially 'cos computers are quite good at calculations, apparently ;)

Glad all is well anyway.