I was creating a restore point and noticed that the new version of Defender had created 9 restore points in the last 18 hours. I looked into it and it looks like Defender creates a new restore point every time a new program is installed. I normally do that anyway but I would rather Defender give me the option of creating a restore point. I try to use resrore points sparingly to reduce space and to avoid slowing down malware scans.
I couldn't find any options in Defender to change this behavior. While I appreciate the emphasis Defender is putting on security and the ability to undo issues caused by the installation of new programs, I think in most cases creating restore points should be the user's decision.
Any opinions?
hmmm. I thought that Windows created a restoration point any time that a program was installed. ![<_<]()
I don't remember why I think that tho.
I have found that System Restore created a restore point for any application install or un-install.
It matters what the installer is, and if they inputted the data to create a Restore Point. I manually create a Restore Point before installing any new software I'm unfamiliar with and especially if installing new antivirus software which in most cases will likely leave tons of stuff behind after uninstall.
When running Inno Setup and Nullsoft Install System installers I've noticed neither of those create a Restore Point during install or uninstall.
I personally don't know how to make an Inno Setup script automatically create a Restore Point during install and uninstall, but for the most part I'm only creating installers for myself for downloaded software that doesn't come with an installer.
Update. It was Windows Defender. I saw a screenshot in a PM and it specifically says Windows Defender restore point. Nice addition I think.