How do I access the Windows Command Prompt. Can't seem to find it.
How do I access the Windows Command Prompt. Can't seem to find it.
If its WinXP then its Cmd. If its Win9x/ME its I think Cmd.exe, I don't think its a com in XP, should be in your Windows\System32 folder. Have you tried a file search? Search for Cmd that should find an exe or com.
Are you wanting to find the cmd file or run it?
If you're wanting to run the command program:
go to start-run, type 'cmd' (without the quotes) and hit enter.
This will open up a dos command window.
When you are through with your commands, type 'exit' (no quotes) then hit enter. This will close the dos command window.
That is so not me.
In WinXP there's by default a shortcut created to Command Prompt by the Windows installation, it's located in:
Start, All Programs, Accessories
In WinXP there's by default a shortcut created to Command Prompt by the Windows installation, it's located in:Start, All Programs, Accessories
I had completely forgot about the shortcut. Much faster that way.
I found it. Thanks to all for the help.
If you use quicklaunch in your toolbar you could drag and drop it there from the system 32 folder for easy access.
I've just done a search on my WinXP at work and it has as well as Cmd.exe both in the Windows\System32 folder, and both of them work the same. As already suggested it has the Command Prompt short-cut in Accessories. There is also an help file Ntcmds.chm in the Windows\Help folder which gives you all the functions and command switches.
So your up and running again Tom?
Apparently there is a difference between the two commamds.
The bottom line is actually quite simple: use CMD.EXE unless you know you need COMMAND.COM for compatibility with some older 16bit program. And even then, if you try and run a 16 bit program in CMD.EXE, it will typically run it within COMMAND.COM for you anyway, so you still may not need to know or care.