Windows can't; CCleaner can

In Windows 7, Add/Remove Programs has completely disappeared from the Control Panel. All I get is Programs/Default Programs, /Desktop Gadgets and /Java.

However, the CCleaner Tools/Uninstall function successfully lists all my installed software (it doesn't mess with Windows features) and will allow me to Uninstall, Rename or Delete. Its Repair option is greyed out for all programmes, though.
Does this tell me anything useful about how to restore Add/Remove Programs (and Windows Features) in Control Panel?
Thank you for your time.

Isn't it just a case of clicking on 'Programs' in Win 7 ? (Don't have Win 7 to hand).

Icons can occasionally go missing from the CP.

As a workround in this case you can press 'Windows Key'+'r' to open the 'run' window and type in appwiz.cpl

That should open the Windows uninstaller for you.

You could make appwiz.cpl a desktop shortcut, I'm not sure where it is located on Win7 (it's usually in the system 32 folder) but a search in file explorer should find it.

" open the 'run' window and type in appwiz.cp " was the first thing I tried. No joy.

I have since tried scannow, MS Support and all. No joy.

Posted here in the vain hope that CCleaner's managing to see (and offering to modify) all my software might just be enormously significant and decisive to repairing/restoring the Control Panel feature.

Sorry I don't know why CCleaner can pick them up but Windows can't. (Can CC actually uninstall things for you though?)

AFAIK CC just picks up the list of applications directly from Windows itself and uses Windows own routines to uninstall. But I'm not a CCleaner developer.

Win7 is only going to get more 'buggy' now that is out of official support.