After I ran the registry clening in Ccleaner some apps, like the store(atached) in windows 8 started to look blurry or in some cases with places that are black where in should be in white, what can i do about it? Unfortunatelly i did not saved the changes... Anyone knows what happened?
Hi AJRamos, and welcome to Piriform.
Without knowing what was removed from the registry, if in fact that is the cause, it's hard to say. The fact that I don't have Win8 doesn't help either, but I would suggest doing a system restore to a time before you ran CCleaner ...
Hope that helps.
I really don't want to restore the computer because i really don't know when it happened and since then i've installed lots of stuff... Is it possible that this problem disappears when I upgrade to windows 8.1?
If your issue isn't a recent one, you don't know when it happened, and you've installed a lot of software since, then I'm at a loss at what to suggest.
If you had reported your issue immediately after it had happened, then you could say it was probably the registry clean that did it, but since you don't know when it happened, and you've since modified the HD and the registry with a lot of installed software, then it could have been caused by anything.
If you upgrade your Operating System I would imagine the issue could disappear, but that's obviously impossible to predict.
I've got nothing else for you sadly, but maybe one of the guys with Win8 may recognize the problem and it's cause and contribute to the topic. Short of that I couldn't even guess the cause and a possible solution.
You are going to have to decide 'the path of least resistance'.
What is easier; loading a Restore Point, one at a time, and hoping to get lucky with everything magically fixing themselves or reloading Windows 8?
Did you do a backup offered by CCleaner before doing the reg clean process? if so, have you restored from that backup?
Do you do any backups of your system files. Data file backup programs aren't going to help here, you would need to have done some imaging or cloning backups to restore Win8 back to.
As to your hope of Win8.1 fixing things, that would depend on how big the update is, how deep it goes.
If it's like SP3 for XP (which was almost as big as reloading XP itself) then there's a very good chance you may kill two birds with one stone but if it's just an update (to get the Start button back) then it probably won't help.
Plus it's not due till somewhere around mid October, so it'll be a wait to see.
For me (being impulsive), I would bite the bullet, backup my data and resign myself that a fresh reload of Win8 is needed. As @DennisD says, it sounds like too much time and software installs have happened for you to pinpoint, and reverse, any one thing.
Does this describe your symptoms?
YES!!! But in that forum there is no sollution...
It does mention graphics drivers as a possible cause.
What is your graphics card?
(If you are unsure what it is, a quick way to find out is just to open up CCleaner and it will tell you right at the top)
I built this computer 3 weeks ago, it's a Asus GTX770
After all that effort by the guys it would be nice to know how.
Also for the benefit of others who may hit the same problem.