Windows 8 double programs?

Hi all,

Forgive me if this has been covered before. I tried to search first.

I just bought a new Acer PC, and of course it has a bunch of extra crap in it. I am trying to clear out the junk, but I've noticed an anomoly.

When I used the C-cleaner version of add/remove, I see duplicates of some programs...same file size, etc. When I go to the Programs and Features tab on Windows 8, I do not see duplicates.

I'm not sure what to make of this, if it's just a glitch, or if they really are on there twice, and Windows just doesn't show it. Not sure how to proceed. Here are two screen caps.

Also, if anyone can point me toward a reputable list of things I can get rid of, I'd be much obliged. Thanks in advance.


is it a one time glitch?, in other words, have you rebooted and still get the dups in CC?

i would certainly be believing the Windows list over the CC list.

as to what you can get rid of, that is really up to you, as what one person deems unnecessary may not be regarded in the same way as someone else.

plus no-one here knows what you will be using the PC for.

for example, in the Publisher column, I would be removing everything made by Acer but you may like to get their updates automatically and others may like their power management software, so that's really all going to come down to personal taste.