Windows 8.1 excessive registry errors detected - is this OK?

I upgraded to a 8.1 computer and installed CCleaner on it. It gave a LONG list of registry errors and I am wondering if the program has been tested/validated with 8.1????

I'm tempted to let it clean up but save the deletions to see what happens, but I would feel better if I had some input from others.



Definitely w8.1 compatible.

I've had w8, then 8.1, then 8.1u1 more or less as they have come out.

I've run the reg cleaner maybe 3 or 4 times on my PC since w8 with no noticeable ill effects but there-in lies the rub, reg problems can take ages to show up.

So absolutely do the offered backup before any reg clean.

Please, whether it's Windows 8.1 or not, don't just clean everything listed. Follow the advice in my signature