Didn't see a topic for this so figgured why not.
I have Beta Windows 7 running in MS virtual machine, patched to date.
Have found it to be pretty solid.
Anybody else?
Didn't see a topic for this so figgured why not.
I have Beta Windows 7 running in MS virtual machine, patched to date.
Have found it to be pretty solid.
Anybody else?
Didn't see a topic for this so figgured why not.
I have Beta Windows 7 running in MS virtual machine, patched to date.
Have found it to be pretty solid.
Anybody else?
I doubt i'm going to use it because it doesn't sound very stable, what I've heard from others. SO it doesnt look like it
Don't know what you're talking about comper6 - everyone I've talked to said to seems to be pretty happy with it. I have had it in a Virtual Machine, and I like it. I might install it as a main O/S once my Core i7 rig is built . Maximum PC is very happy with the beta so far.
I'm not running it yet, but I've mainly heard good things about Win7.
I doubt i'm going to use it because it doesn't sound very stable, what I've heard from others. SO it doesnt look like it
It would be better if you have ACTUALLY tested it before giving judgment, else you'll just be bashed by most people who had USED it.
Methinks Comper6 is used to bashing.
Windows 7 looks awesome! Too bad I missed the beta + beta activation key giveaway from Microsoft.
Don't know what you're talking about comper6 - everyone I've talked to said to seems to be pretty happy with it. I have had it in a Virtual Machine, and I like it. I might install it as a main O/S once my Core i7 rig is built. Maximum PC is very happy with the beta so far.
"virtual Machine" ever heard of hardware requirements?
Methinks Comper6 is used to bashing.
I like the windows 7 features and stuff like that, but i just want the x-factors to be settled before using it
My laptop - Core 2 Duo T9300 @ 2.5 GHz, 3 GBs of DDR2 RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 570m, 160 GB hard drive.
I'm confused by your statement. And, Core i7 is way better than that. Can you clarify? Also, for more proof, my friend installed it on his desktop (Core 2 E4300, 2 GB's of RAM, NVIDIA 8600) as his actually install and it was as fast, if not faster, than Vista.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7#Hardware_requirementsMy laptop - Core 2 Duo T9300 @ 2.5 GHz, 3 GBs of DDR2 RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 570m, 160 GB hard drive.
I'm confused by your statement. And, Core i7 is way better than that. Can you clarify? Also, for more proof, my friend installed it on his desktop (Core 2 E4300, 2 GB's of RAM, NVIDIA 8600) as his actually install and it was as fast, if not faster, than Vista.
When i ran it on a little bit lower end pc it was extremely slow. When i said hardware requirements i meant reasonable speed not literal.