Windows 7 restore points still exist

When I run windows 7 restore and press additional points. System restore tells me I have additional points. This is not true, they were system backups on an external drive and have been deleted, but the pop up window the text files still exist. How can I remove the windows 7 pop up list?

Many thanks Nick


Make sure you have a backup before proceeding.

Then, if you right click My Computer/Properties/System protection, you can untick the drive you want the restore points deleted on & click apply.

After they are erased, re-enable the points by ticking them again & this time click ok.

Test the new system restore points to be sure this is some bug in CCleaner, or merely old points that were already suffering problems.

You can go to start/all programs/accessories/system tools/system restore to create new restore points to test.


Sorry this does not fix the problem!!

The way you have suggested, has been what I have tried. I have repeated your steps again and still have the popup log as shown in previous picture. It is just the history log popup that says that the points are there. None of these "show more" points exist. I have run various options of cccleaner and they still apprear. Any ideas ? Does anyone know the registry command where this is? WHat are the knock on effects in deleteing this?



Make sure you have a backup before proceeding.

Then, if you right click My Computer/Properties/System protection, you can untick the drive you want the restore points deleted on & click apply.

After they are erased, re-enable the points by ticking them again & this time click ok.

Test the new system restore points to be sure this is some bug in CCleaner, or merely old points that were already suffering problems.

You can go to start/all programs/accessories/system tools/system restore to create new restore points to test.
