Windows 7 build 7000

Anyone currently using it? Tried it out and given up in disgust? Think it's the best thing since XP? Waiting for the "official" public beta release later this month? Waiting for the official final release? Not going to bother, Win98SE is perfectly fine thanks very much?! :lol:

It's not so bad :)

Can you list anything good about it? Not sure whether to get it or stay with Vista ... ^_^

why is Windows 7 coming out so soon? i mean really? why bother releasing Vista? how far will Microsoft go to piss us off on having to reinstall a OS? i'll stay with Vista for along... long... time!

why is Windows 7 coming out so soon? i mean really? why bother releasing Vista? how far will Microsoft go to piss us off on having to reinstall a OS? i'll stay with Vista for along... long... time!

Its coming out so soon because vista has PR issues(among other things).

They are releasing windows 7 in hopes that people will forget about vista fast.

Its coming out so soon because vista has PR issues(among other things).

They are releasing windows 7 in hopes that people will forget about vista fast.

wow, another mistake like Windows ME. this is embarrassing and mostly disappointing. i have no problems with Vista. Runs fine and has all features i need or less features i don't... need <_< i've seen Demos of Windows 7 and the new Thumbnail feature and the Aero shake feature seem pretty nice. hmm... i wonder if Vista users will be able to upgrade? like without formatting and having to backup Files :mellow: i plan on staying with Vista till Windows 7 prices go down when it's released.
wow, another mistake like Windows ME. this is embarrassing and mostly disappointing. i have no problems with Vista. Runs fine and has all features i need or less features i don't... need <_< i've seen Demos of Windows 7 and the new Thumbnail feature and the Aero shake feature seem pretty nice. hmm... i wonder if Vista users will be able to upgrade? like without formatting and having to backup Files :mellow: i plan on staying with Vista till Windows 7 prices go down when it's released.

I, also like you, love windows vista. I also think that the task bar of Windows 7 is not very appealing.

I will not be switching to Windows 7, I like my OS the way it is now. :)

idk, i was looking at some demos of the new thumbnail feature and it has interest me a little. Microsoft has made actual icon shortcuts (similar to the start Menu/All Programs) this replacing the old Taskbar with the new improved one. remember when you had lots and lots of the same Apps. going or downloading lots of files and they all would group up? well, with this new Taskbar it's slightly different take a look

Its coming out so soon because vista has PR issues(among other things).

They are releasing windows 7 in hopes that people will forget about vista fast.

Probably so they can complain about a new OS full of possible issues. I'll be staying with XP until it starts rotting and smelling funny. ;)

Probably so they can complain about a new OS full of possible issues. I'll be staying with XP until it starts rotting and smelling funny. ;)

Glad I'm not the only one. lol

My cousin and uncle both have Vista on their laptops and say they have nothing but problems. I think I've finally convinced them to replace it with XP.

I'm happy with XP and I can't afford a Vista capable system as silly things like food and rent keep getting in the way.

I don't play the 649 Lottery so I ain't gonna get rich this way.

I don't have any rich relatives so I ain't gonna get rich this way.

Listening to the Beatles Revolution on through Soundblaster and Logitec R-20 speakers.

Only 5 months until nice weather here and I can go out without donning heavy clothing.

Vista has grown to me and i have no problems. i guess some people do get confused on how Xp and Vista are so different in the GUI aspect <_<

Vista has grown to me and i have no problems.

You may want to get that removed. :lol:

I actually love vista. did a reinstall of xp on my laptop awhile back and i ended up going back to vista. once windows 7 comes out ill get another laptop, give this one to the kiddos and give it a shot. :)

I fergit. Will Windows7 run WinFS or NTFS?

And what exactly is OEM? :mellow:

And what exactly is OEM?

Original Equipment Manufacturer.

Thanks. But no idea about WinFS or NTFS?

But no idea about WinFS or NTFS?

I have no idea whatsoever what it will use.

Coming from you, that's pretty scary.

Coming from you, that's pretty scary.

Not really, I just haven't followed anything Microsoft has been doing with it other than the few random links someone may post on the forums here about it. :rolleyes: Can you tell I'm excited about it. :P

Meh. I figured YoKenny would be all over it, but he's kept quiet about it. On this thread anyway.