Windows 7 7048 with IE8 removed

I have installed Win 7 Build 7048 and have removed Internet Explorer.

CCleaner still looks for IE and should be changed to test if IE is being used.

An OOOOld IBM programmer,

D i c k Miller

Hot Springs Village, AR

Hi D i c k, and welcome to the forum. (Interesting bit of spacing there :) ).

Hot Springs Village sounds like a place I would like to be at the moment. I'm in Cold Rain Village UK. :(

Just to point out that CCleaner doesn't officially support Windows 7 yet, but I've no doubt it's being worked on at the moment.

Thanks for your input.

Hi D i c k, and welcome to the forum. (Interesting bit of spacing there :) ).

Hot Springs Village sounds like a place I would like to be at the moment. I'm in Cold Rain Village UK. :(

Just to point out that CCleaner doesn't officially support Windows 7 yet, but I've no doubt it's being worked on at the moment.

Thanks for your input.

If I put the name without spacing MS forums don't like it.

I knew about the non support issue but just to alert the powers that be.