Windows 7 64bit ultimate restart problem after CCleaner registry cleaning


Ive been using XP pro 32bit/Ultimate 64bit + CCleaner for meny years and its been working good for me. Now i installed the new Windows 7 64bit Ultimate, and made all the updates and basic settings + networking ok. Then i downloaded the latest version of the CCleaner, did registry cleaning. Restarted the machine... No go. The bios got stuck (yes i have the latest bios update installed). Must klick the powersupply off, and do the normal start. Then it worked ok. And again tried restart = same problem. Network machines were not shown. It couldnt even see itself anymore, only the modem/router.

Fortunatelly i did remember backing up cleaned CCleaner registry stuff. So i opened the machine again and restored the cleaned registry files, and guess what? Restart and network works again, with no problems. So i dont recommend using CCleaner with Windows 7 64bit Ultimate, before this broblem is solved.

I have 5 PC:s and every machine has the same installation. I tried the CCleaner with my other PC and at first it looked ok, but after 2 or 3 restarts the bloody thing couldnt find the hard disc anymore. I told me, that in the system files hal.dll is corrupted or missing. Only after many different starting manouvers i got windows to start an tried repairs, with no success. I googled it up, and many people had these hall.dll problems after using different registry cleaner products. I allso find out that the windows 7 doesnt use that file at startup???

I'm not shure if that is correct/true, but enyway. CCleaner has big broblems ahead, if you cant Check/fix this up soon. I allso recommend that Priform team should CLEARLY show/announce at piriforms homepage, wich programs are compatible, or are not compatible with certain windows versions. I didnt find any compatibility lists at your homepages.

I had to format and reinstall the whole system again. No broblems so far and both of my machines work now 100%. I will not use the CCleaner again nor recommed it to anyone, before you can make shure it wont mess up things in the windows 7 the same way again.

Thaks and cheers!

PS: I'm new here and i dont visit (any)forums very often. So this is mostly information for the development team and replys wont reach me any time soon. I really hope you can fix this thing.

Hello and welcome.

Well, first of all, playing with the Registry Cleaner is not recommended if you don't know what it does. It is not the same as the "Cleaner" where you "Fix" everything it detects. It can break your PC!

I have given the suggestion of graying the "Registry Cleaner" out by default for new users for security and cautionary purposes. I hope to see it implemented in v3.

Good thing you backed up your Registry :) For the future, you might want ERUNT to be on the safer side.

Hello and welcome.

Well, first of all, playing with the Registry Cleaner is not recommended if you don't know what it does. It is not the same as the "Cleaner" where you "Fix" everything it detects. It can break your PC!

I have given the suggestion of graying the "Registry Cleaner" out by default for new users for security and cautionary purposes. I hope to see it implemented in v3.

Good thing you backed up your Registry :) For the future, you might want ERUNT to be on the safer side.

That sounds neat, but then you will have users complaining that Registry editor is greyed out.

One of the major problems with the registry cleaner is the "check for unused extensions". I have long since wanted this out, as this causes many users problems.