Windows 10 timeline

I see this was brought up last May. Just checking to see when Piriform will incorporate the cleaning of the Windows 10 timeline. If we already have it engaged, just clearing it and disabling it doesn't securely overwrite and clean what is already there. Please add the feature to CCleaner. Thank you.

If Timeline is set to syncronise then the data is saved on Microsofts' cloud servers, and no third party cleaner will be able to touch or clean it there.

You can clear it locally, but sync will just put it back again.

To clear it from the cloud servers you have to clear it within Timeline itself.

I would also love to see this timeline history deletion option added. As per the May 2018 post it appears that a number of bugs still exist in timeline functionality and only today I turned everything off in privacy and chose clear everything and it still left a record of many of my documents greyed out searchable but not able to be deleted. For peace of mind on privacy it would be good to know CC can mop up and check and ensure nothing in history if a CC user chooses say a tickable option to delete5c9ab20b00ff6_timelineproblemsccleaner.thumb.jpg.aeac1c68720fcce39ff69f5f35241429.jpg

I'll reitterate what I said above:

'Synced' timeline data is saved on Microsofts' cloud servers, no third party cleaner can delete/remove things from Microsoft's servers.

(You wouldn't want a hacker to be able to get into Microsofts servers and delete everything).

They are Microsoft's servers so you can only clear the stored data there from within Timeline itself.

Go to Settings>Activity history and click on the 'Clear' button.

I see that you say you have already done that and documents are still showing, but greyed out.

Did you try restarting your computer?

Windows quite often will mark things for removal, but needs a restart to fully clear things.

In the case of synced data I would suspect that you need to log out of your MS account before it will be fully cleared. Restarting your PC will log you out and back in again.