Windows 10 Pro setup

Just bought a refurbished desktop so I can run applications that are for Windows and not for Linux.

I have searched and found many videos on how to setup and tweak Windows 10.

If anyone has any links in mind, please post them so I can get the job done right.



Hi Jamin, Quite a few of us do run Win 10 (I have pro as well)

When I set Win 10 up for others I do it using an iso on DVD or USB.

Using the install disk/usb I delete all partitions on the drive and install it to the whole drive, that way Windows sets it up right.

I don't contect to the interenet and allow it to install updates etc untill it is fully on desktop.

I don't select to have a Microsoft account, you can select to not have one if you look.

I always call the machine Home or something like that. I never give it a personal name (in case you ever have to post logs etc online.)

I don't bother with a password, as they can add it later if they want one.

I don't allow Cortana, and I don't accept any of the options that it pre selects before install (such as send info to Microsoft etc)

Then it installs.

After desktop is reached I usually go into Start..Settings..Privacy and turn off all options in the list (lots of ticks to undo)

Then right-click on taskbar and make Cortana an icon(cause I hate all the white space it takes up!)

Then I conect to the internet via wifi or ethernet and do Start.. Setting.. Updates. (may take a little while)


You can use CCleaner to uninstall a lot of the Microsoft stuff (Xbox, Microsoft pay etc) as Windows won't let you uninstall them.

For personal machines I always turn off Fast Start up.

Other people may do all these things differently... this is just how I do it.

Have fun !!

I then

Thx hazelnut, the system I bought has pro installed.

I appreciate the good info on installation as I can use most of it for setup.

Can I delete the Microsoft account, if it has one?

I read that privacy was an issue with 10. Is that all I need to do to stop the snooping?

I'm sure there will be more questions as I get started.

I don't even know what a Cortana is.

Do a clean install. You will be glad you did.

That way you don't have to delete any Microsoft accounts as you will be starting from fresh.

Cortana is your assistant who will answer questions for you etc. Best to answer them yourself !!

If it has Win 10 already installed then you don't need to enter a key during install as it will auto activate when you connect to the internet because they keys is digital and saved in the cloud on the Microsoft servers.

This forum has lots of tutorials about all sorts of Win 10 stuff.

No disc for clean install. I haven't powered it up yet but I'll get back on it after my three hour tour.

Thanks for the link and sharing your wealth of knowledge. :)

Downloading MS updates now and I like Windows 10 so far.

I'll have to stop by and pick up a copy of CCleaner.

For information:

You don’t need discs with Windows 10; you can do a clean install online.

(Or you can create your own discs using a machine that already has Win 10 if you want to put it on a brand new setup).

Sorry I can’t link it from here but search for “Update Assistant” or “Microsoft media creation tool”.

You will need a valid digital licence.

If your machine already has Windows 10 it’s licence is stored on Microsofts server for that machine/motherboard and you won’t need to enter it again, even for a total clean reinstall.

If it’s a new build and/or first time instalation of Win 10 then you will need to buy a key/licence and enter it.

When you buy Win 10 that’s usually all you get anyway, a licence number and a link to the MCT (no disc).

Great info, my license is Windows 10 Pro for Refurbished PCS.

I'll contact the company I bought it from to see if I can install myself with their license.

I do have a product key so it would be reasonable to think that I could.

My system was activated with a digital license. I understand what you both are telling me now.


As this is a 'refurbished' machine then you may want to run something like Malwarebytes ADWcleaner, which can remove any advertisingware, junkware, and other Potentially Unwanted Programmed (PUP's) that the reseller may have put on there as a 'bonus' for you.

It's intuitive to run, but just in case you want to know more there is a user guide:–0800

No threats found. Thank you!

Seems to be a clean and fast system for what I need it for.

I'm going to spend some time on the forum hazelnut suggested.
