Windows 10 Preview

Anyone else try Windows 10 yet? I just tried it for the first time today.

My immediate reaction is definitely a bit of a disappointment. I do not like the interface at all compared to windows 7/8. It will take a while to get used to this new look.

More importantly I do not like the new start menu either. I've been using something called start 8 on windows 8 to get a classic start menu and I don't see that changing. The new start menu is too busy/bloated. I get that they are not giving up on modern apps but this is such a crap way to do it. I do like that they open in windows rather than full screen now though.

The new web browser looks like chrome but I doubt I'll use it.

What do you guys think of windows 10?

So far it is very stable (10130). I do agree that the Start Menu should have the Windows 7 look as a choice. All of the programs that I use load and run so far. We do not use IE11 so cannot comment on Spartan/Edge.

As a member of Insider Preview group I do clean installs and will continue that method on a second drive on my Windows 7 Pro test machine. Will I convert the other machines to Windows 10 - I doubt it at this point as the differences are not significant enough for this user at this time.

Ongoing thread about Win 10 and discussion here.

I've been liking it in my VM. The most important change to me is the removal of the paddedborderwidth (which hopefully means my long-standing firefox bug will become irrelevant). I think some (many) of the icons looks amateur though.

Nice to read all this, Windows 10 is not yet released here yet! And if I read all your posts I am not so sure if I will download it either. My Windows7 is running perfectly at the moment and I am afraid Windows 10 is gonna give me troubles I can't solve!

i am not that good!