WinDefrag updated to JkDefrag


The program has apparently been renamed "JkDefrag" and the version has been updated from 2.27b to 3.0. A couple of noticeable improvements!

Thanks for the notification.

Really good defragger; little, free and very efficient disk defragment.

Updated to v. 3.01 after a trouble. Now solved.

Some more info:

Why use this defragger instead of the standard Windows defragger?

Much faster.

Easier to use.

Optimized for daily use.

Better disk optimization.

Directories are moved to the beginning of the disk.

Reclaims MFT reserved space after disk-full.

Maintains a scratch area.

Can defrag very full harddisks.

Can defrag very large files.

Can defrag individual directories and files.

Can be run automatically with the Windows Scheduler.

Can be used from the commandline.

Can be used as a screen saver.

Sources available, can be customized.