Winamp 5.1 Surround Edition released

Winamp 5.1 Surround Edition has been released.




Winamp 5.1 Surround Edition:	* New: CodingTechnologies AACPlus encoder! ? Awesome at low bitrates too!* New: Grand Prize Winner of the Internet Surround Music Project!? KAJE - Hey Buddy (featuring Afrika Bambaataa)* New: SHOUTcast Wire - A Media RSS Browser and Subscription Service* New: Predixis Smart Playlist Generator  ?(Mix your tracks based on what they sound like!)* New: AOL Radio featuring (((XM))) Free Sampler!* New: CD Ripping now available at 8x in free version!* New: Microsoft WMA encoder* New: Over 200 new Milkdrop presets!* Update: in_vorbis now returns bitrate in getextendedfileinfo* Fixed: WMA stuttery playback* Fixed: out_ds copy button on status tab now works all the time* Fixed: Much improved ripping and playback with Sonic engine* Fixed: Video window now resizable regardless of Sidecar* Fixed: Length of long mp3's now reported properly * Fixed: Silent install switch now works properly* Fixed: Simultaneous CD Playback and Ripping

i've had this for 3 days now but says it was released today. weird :P

i've had this for 3 days now but says it was released today. weird :P

Because it was an accidental beta.

The official release was yesterday.

well it looks like both versions are the same ;)

well it looks like both versions are the same ;)

They are not. If you read your sources you will see there are differences. forums tell you that there were additional fixes from the beta to the official.

just downloaded it... :D


what is AACPlus? a new audio format...?

just downloaded it... :D


what is AACPlus? a new audio format...?

Surround sound. It sounds really great if you have a sound card that supports surround, or even headphones/speakers that do. ;)

I believe AAC is a type of MP4.

oh... ok thanks... :D

I believe AAC is a type of MP4.

it is. Nero Digital considers mp4 to be the "Nero Digital Audio Format"

as for winamp ima just get some other media player that uses codecs instead of their own libraries to play media. i have my reasons for this ;)

I still use Winamp 2.81 from 2002.

Winamp used to be a great product when developed by Nullsoft.

But ever since AOL bought bought Nullsoft, Winamp have started to suck.

Now in the crew who develops Winamp, there is no member from the orginal Nullsoft crew.

Justin "1014" Frankel, the genious who was the main guy behind Winamp resigned from AOL because he disliked the company and is now working on other projects.

Justin's homepage is and his new company is