CCleaner isn't cleaning up IE10 as much as I think it should. wondering if there is a reason or I have something odd going on,
When you enable the Protected Mode on the Security tab - IE10 is then using 64bit browsing is my understanding and tries to keep some things more secure. When in that protected mode it starts sending most IE cache to a different paths than just the default named Temporary Internet Files .
I've added into CCleaners Options / Include a couple paths in mine ..
"C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Packages\windows_ie_ac_001\AC\INetCookies" , where the bulk of the cookies seem to go on mine.
"C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Packages\windows_ie_ac_001\AC\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore" , xml cookies ?
CCleaner picks up the packages path for INetCach.. the temp files when protective mode is enabled, but not the cookies.