Win8, File Explorer, filename cache

We've started using Windows 8 and noticed a behaviour that seems new. If I browse to a directory in File Explorer and select a large number of files, then try to start a drop and drag operation, my hard drive access light gets very busy for quite a long time, things hang for a moment, and a small box pops up indicating the # of files I'm trying to drop/drag.

My laptop is old and low-end so this activity can go on for 30 seconds or more.The cursor essentially hangs while the hard drive is going nuts and I can't actually complete the drop/drag until its finally ready.

That's all well and good. But I strongly suspect that File Explorer is building a list of file names while this is going on, and its this list of filenames (and possibly other metadata and thumbnails) that I'm concerned about.

Can someone tell me:

- Where is this being cached to specifically

- Does ccleaner know about this explicitly and does it wipe it or have the option to ensure this is included in the wipe?

I'm not looking for a generic "ccleaner gets rid of everything, don't worry about it". I'm looking for clear understanding from someone as to what the W8 File Explorer is doing at this point, where the filenames are being cached to, and that ccleaner specifically knows about this and wipes it.

The W8 File Explorer is apparently a nearly ground-up rewrite of the older "Explorer", and the old Explorer on W7 definitely does not do this extended activity (I don't get the hard drive light flashing, it doesn't take 30+ seconds, and it doesn't hang when I'm trying to do the drop-drag; thus, W8 is definitely doing something different than W7, and thus I need to know that ccleaner explicitly deals with this.)

The bottom line for me is that I do NOT want any trace of the filenames, folder names, directory names, parent folders, metadata, thumbnails, MRU, etc etc. of any folders that may be connected or available while Win8 is running once I've run ccleaner. I know that ccleaner deals with most of this in general, but its this new Win8 activity that has me concerned.

I use winapp2.ini and have quite a few things checked, but since I don't know what the Win8 filename/metadata cache is, I can't be sure its being wiped. And since Win8 is clearly different than Win7 I need to know that ccleaner understands this and deals with it.

Sorry for my pedantism, but waaaaay too often I find that people in forums who know only a little, or believe they know a lot, or want to come across as knowledgeable, will make statements that aren't in fact true. So its important that someone can acknowledge an understanding of how Win8's File Explorer is different in this regard (since it clearly is doing something different than Win7), and can identify where the filenames are being cached to. From there I can then identify if ccleaner deals with this.

Best regards

There is no file metadata cache in windows 8 that i'm aware of but there is a thumbnail cache and CCleaner handles that as expected.

Cached thumbnails go in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer and exist as database (.db) files

it could be your antivirus or windows search indexing