Win 7 Explorer Cleanup cleans GB more than CCleaner

I have been a contented user of CCleaner for quite some time ... thank you for the product ..

To save me retyping the whole saga again, may I refer you to a thread in the Windows Secrets forum:

Ignore the first few exchanges (all about my struggle with disappearing free space) and look for my post at 2010-10-21 18:21.

Essentially the disk cleanup tool in Windows 7 Explorer cleared c. 10 GB which CCleaner had not identified.

Is this a bug? Have I, a fairly ordinary user of CCleaner failed to appreciate some aspect of your tool? Is CCleaner "working as designed"?

Apologies if you don't regard this as a bug, but it strikes me as, I suggest, a significant issue.

Something with 10GB worth of clean and the fact that you have recently upgraded to windows 7 perhaps it was old windows folder. Of course it's impossible to tell because in neither this post nor the linked one do you state what you have checked off on either diskcleanup nor ccleaner.

For instance included in diskcleanup - not included in ccleaner:

Office Install files

Compress Old Files

Windows Old Folder

Downloaded Programs folder

I note that before cclean Disk Cleanup found 248MB to clean and after cclean it only found 3.88mb (and all of that was in downloaded program files folder)

... recently upgraded to Windows 7 ..

Months ago, not recently.

Office Install files

Compress Old Files

Windows Old Folder

Downloaded Programs folder

I simply ran the default diskcleanup, so I am sorry I don't know what it's settings were. And after reading Make Disk Cleanup More Powerful I have this evening altered settings away from the default.

I certainly don't use compress old files.

Old Win or WinOld (whatever it was called) went long ago.

Office Install: If it were there, I was ignorant of it. Office 2003 is on D:

Downloaded Programs folder: Possibly.

I note that before cclean Disk Cleanup found 248MB to clean and after cclean it only found 3.88mb (and all of that was in downloaded program files folder)

Sorry, don't understand how this relates to my situation.

Would it be worthwhile having an option in CCleaner to tell the user what could be saved if different options were selected?

I have been ignorant of what was accumulating ... and, frustratingly, still don't know what diskcleanup removed.

It was only a fair bit of digging with DiskPiePro in response to a free space crisis that made me aware of the old downloads, the old Lenovo stuff etc.

How can we help you?

You just said it cleans more.

What options do you have checkmarked in CCleaner?

The items you set it to clean make a LOT of difference.

What version of CCleaner do you use?

Version is very important because certain features & cleaning locations may be included in the last few versions that did not exist prior to that.

Did you check whether you also cleared System Restore points somehow?

Check with CCleaner to see the # of restore points before & after you do a disk cleanup.

Perhaps there is something CCleaner misses such as some dump file, but it would help to be able to know more first.

Also, check to see if hibernation is turned on or off. Hibernation files can take several GB depending on your system RAM & setup.


If possible, try this & reply back:

After using the PC a while, run CCleaner in Analyze mode & write down the GB it shows for cleanup.

Be sure you have the Memory Dump files etc checkmarked in CCleaner first.

Go to start/run & type cleanmgr /sageset:01

That should bring up cleanmgr with a few more options.

If you have trouble running it from 7, try installing Classic Shell & then run it in that run box.


Verify & write down the free space before beginning, then:

Test each option by checkmarking only the first item, then try only the second item checkmarked, etc.

Verify the GB before & after each item you checkmarked.

After completing all of these items, see what the final GB is & write it down.


Send a log of the amount of space cleaned by each item you checked, along with the total cleaned by this process & the total that CCleaner showed in Analyze mode.

This will greatly help as it will help to determine which area is the most responsible for trash.



I have been a contented user of CCleaner for quite some time ... thank you for the product ..

To save me retyping the whole saga again, may I refer you to a thread in the Windows Secrets forum:

Ignore the first few exchanges (all about my struggle with disappearing free space) and look for my post at 2010-10-21 18:21.

Essentially the disk cleanup tool in Windows 7 Explorer cleared c. 10 GB which CCleaner had not identified.

Is this a bug? Have I, a fairly ordinary user of CCleaner failed to appreciate some aspect of your tool? Is CCleaner "working as designed"?

Apologies if you don't regard this as a bug, but it strikes me as, I suggest, a significant issue.

Allow me to quote what you said to Windows Secrets :-

"But a Win Explorer search of C: found no hdmp or mdmp files. Then, prompted by Fred's passing reference to the Windows Cleanup tool, I decided to give it a try. Given that I use Ccleaner regularly, why should I expect it to do anything, I thought. It was no surprise that after inspecting C:, the tool said there was not much to delete. But I let it do it anyway

..... Now the surprise! It freed up about 10 GB. I will write that again: It freed up 10 GB."

and further on

This morning first thing 21/10/10: 2.1 GB - why this decline? I don't know. It was after a reboot following a blue screen.

FIRSTLY Your criticism of CCleaner is unjustified.

True, CCleaner did not identify 10 GB of junk,

BUT NEITHER DID "the Windows Cleanup tool" - that also said there was not much to delete.


Could it be that "the Windows Cleanup tool" removed stuff it should not have touched, resulting in a BSOD ?
