Recently my PC has been un-expectantly re-booting. It happens with CCleaner when checking for ?Missing Shared DLLs?. It also happens when running some other utilities such as my Spyware checkers. I had a similar problem a few months ago and found by changing (increasing) my virtual memory cleared the problem. No such luck now. Does anyone have any suggestions or willing to walk me through some repair process? I would rather not re-build the PC. Thanks.
Recently my PC has been un-expectantly re-booting. It happens with CCleaner when checking for ?Missing Shared DLLs?. It also happens when running some other utilities such as my Spyware checkers. I had a similar problem a few months ago and found by changing (increasing) my virtual memory cleared the problem. No such luck now. Does anyone have any suggestions or willing to walk me through some repair process? I would rather not re-build the PC. Thanks.
Had a friend's PC acting up, random reboots, failing to start, etc. Searched MS support and found that a bad PCI card or memory could cause random reboots. Only PCI was his modem, pulled it and no joy so I pulled both of his DIMMs, one at a time, and it cleared the problem. Both DIMMs are working so I guess they just needed to be reset in the slots.
I tried the memory check. No errors found. I will try removing hardware even though they still operate OK Thanks for the suggestion.
I tried the memory check. No errors found. I will try removing hardware even though they still operate OK Thanks for the suggestion.
Memory checking might not work. I ran MS's memory tester and it passed. When the computer was running, everything would check out ok, then there would be a temp change, a door slam, or somebody farted and it would reboot all by itself.