Win 10 Pro x64 misreports HDD's

I have a dual boot Win 7 Pro x64 & Win 10 Pro x64. On the Win 7, speccy 1.32.740 reports the HDD details correctly but Win 10 does not.

Win 10 speccy reports an OCZ vortex4 as a WD 1002FZEX SATA spinner SSD!; all other info is correct ie s/n, size it's just the name & model it gets wrong.

Any ideas anyone?

does the same happen with v1.31 or v1.30 ? (previous versions available at FileHippo)

Speccy does a lot of calls to the WMI Service to do the heavy lifting so I'm guessing how it does its thing with either OS is different somehow.

you can fire up an elevated command prompt and type wmic and hit Enter.

here you can access all the WMI info that the Service uses.

for example, to see your drive info; type <strong>logicaldisk where drivetype=3</strong> and hit Enter.