also impossible to clear these:
also impossible to clear these:
I have the same issue. Those two registries won't get removed. I updated to windows 10 and this is the first time it's been happening.
Not every registry entry that ccleaner (or any registry cleaner) finds should be removed. Only remove what you know you don't need. The above key is a prime example of one to be left alone
also impossible to clear these:
Problema activeX/COM InProcServer32\C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ConnectedStorageService.ProxyStub.dll HKCR\CLSID\{B2D2142A-9055-4C37-B3FA-EEFDD4C1DC59}Problema activeX/COM InProcServer32\C:\Windows\System32\ConnectedStorageService.ProxyStub.dll HKCR\CLSID\{B2D2142A-9055-4C37-B3FA-EEFDD4C1DC59}
I have the same issue. Those two registries won't get removed. I updated to windows 10 and this is the first time it's been happening.
If a registry entry returns that means it is needed (often these are tied to your antivirus). You need to right click the entry and add to your exclusion list.
As always please read my signature in regards to registry cleaner
..using ccleaner since years..this is the very very FIRST time this BUG happen
Not every registry entry that ccleaner (or any registry cleaner) finds should be removed. Only remove what you know you don't need. The above key is a prime example of one to be left alone
Sorry but I cannot accept that. Either we can trust CCleaner to know what it's doing, or we can't - period. You can't just tell the user to make up their own mind which registry keys are safe to delete. As a user who recently has his new Windows 10 apps trashed, probably due to CCleaner removing something it shouldn't have, and by the way it took two Microsoft tech sessions to fix the problem (yes two), I feel quite strongly that Piriform needs to get it's house in order regarding Windows 10.
I agree with Luca B, users like me have come to trust CCleaner based on it's 100% reliable performance in the "old" Windows 7, but it's a new world now and that trust will quickly be lost if this is not sorted and fast.
It's not that registry cleaner is better or worse under Windows 7. The "100% reliable" that you mention was an illusion. You were just lucky not to run into an issue yet or to not notice other recreated regs in your cleaning history.
I was giving my registry advice as far back as 06 (xp/vista times) for the same reason, recreated reg entries and broken pcs from blind cleaning.
Also I dont work for Piriform. I'm only a software user like you. However any mucking with the registry requires care and attention. So no, you nor anyone else should not trust ccleaner, or any other registry cleaner, to be 100% accurate with its found entries, that's why when you choose clean you get the box that shows each entry you selected and asks you one last time if you are sure.
Again, you get zero performance boost from registry cleaning. If you feel you should be able to have full trust don't use ccleaner's registry tool, or especially any other company's because ccleaner is the most gentle registry cleaner software that I, and many of the regular member/users here, have encountered.
Sorry but I cannot accept that. Either we can trust CCleaner to know what it's doing, or we can't - period. You can't just tell the user to make up their own mind which registry keys are safe to delete. As a user who recently has his new Windows 10 apps trashed, probably due to CCleaner removing something it shouldn't have, and by the way it took two Microsoft tech sessions to fix the problem (yes two), I feel quite strongly that Piriform needs to get it's house in order regarding Windows 10.
I agree with Luca B, users like me have come to trust CCleaner based on it's 100% reliable performance in the "old" Windows 7, but it's a new world now and that trust will quickly be lost if this is not sorted and fast.
i totally agree with you
i really hope that ccleaner will fix this unusual BUG asap
..using ccleaner since years..this is the very very FIRST time this BUG happen
Sorry but I cannot accept that. Either we can trust CCleaner to know what it's doing, or we can't - period. You can't just tell the user to make up their own mind which registry keys are safe to delete. As a user who recently has his new Windows 10 apps trashed, probably due to CCleaner removing something it shouldn't have, and by the way it took two Microsoft tech sessions to fix the problem (yes two), I feel quite strongly that Piriform needs to get it's house in order regarding Windows 10.
I agree with Luca B, users like me have come to trust CCleaner based on it's 100% reliable performance in the "old" Windows 7, but it's a new world now and that trust will quickly be lost if this is not sorted and fast.
I totally agree with both of these people here.
This is the first time I have seen this bug. I didn't have this problem under Windows 7. Same software installed other than the operating system change. Regardless of what a user may have to be expected to do in certain cases, CCleaner should be consistant. And, since no other software had changed, this is an obvious bug in CCleaner. And, even regardless of that, since CCleaner does clean the registery and you have to be careful with the registry, CCleaner should be especially aware of registry keys that may be needed and then not even give you the option to remove them (or force you to have to know yourself and also force you to exclude them). Also, keep in mind that not only would the user have to know then (extremly unlikely not to mention impossible in every instance), there is no guarantee that a needed key would automatically come back. You can't assume that something like an anti-virus program (or any program for that matter) will bring back a key that is needed. Just saying "you have to exclude it" is more of a band-aid at most. At the very least, it is still working under the assumption that it cannot be safely removed. Just because a key automatically comes back does not automatically mean that it must be needed. That is why I asked for specific references regarding these particular keys. For all we know, it is part of the bug with CCleaner that it keeps coming back such as it not being cleaned out completely and Windows therefore compensating for it and "repairing" it even though it could have been safely removed. Of course, again, if it couldn't be safely removed then CCleaner shouldn't be indicating it can be removed in the first place (which it did not do in Windows 7).
I also disagree with the statement that you get absolutely no performance boost by cleaning the registry. Cleaning the registry is not just to fix things. In fact, I believe Piriform even mentions somewhere about boosting your performance by cleaning the registry. Otherwise, why even have it? Regardless, I have personally noticed a perceptible increase in performance on multiple computers by cleaning up the registry. Not only related to the boot process but also in general. And, this can be for many factors such as specific hardware and/or just how cluttered the registry can get over time etc. Sure, not everyone will notice a perceptible change in performance in some cases by cleaning the registry but it does help.
it is a real very big upsetting S H A M E..win 10 is there sine 29 july..and ccleaner still doesn't work..
it is a real very big upsetting S H A M E..win 10 is there sine 29 july..and ccleaner still doesn't work..
Oh, CCleaner still works from what I have seen. At least, for most people. There are just certain bugs with Windows 10. And, this is an important bug that needs to be addressed.
Sure, they could have been testing with the Technical Preview that was available for Windows 10 and I'm guessing they actually did. Of course, the Technical Preview is different than the final version of Windows 10 that was eventually shipped. Even then, there's no guarantee bugs like this would have been found right away regardless how similar the Technical Preview was with the final release that shipped the first day.
And, it hasn't really been all that long since the final release of Windows 10 started hitting machines. I would suspect they are working on fixing it. Although, it would be nice to hear from an actual Piriform employee stating that they are actually working on this specific bug. Even better, a rough estimate of when it may finally be fixed would also be good if they're willing to state that too.
Oh, CCleaner still works from what I have seen. At least, for most people. There are just certain bugs with Windows 10. And, this is an important bug that needs to be addressed.
Sure, they could have been testing with the Technical Preview that was available for Windows 10 and I'm guessing they actually did. Of course, the Technical Preview is different than the final version of Windows 10 that was eventually shipped. Even then, there's no guarantee bugs like this would have been found right away regardless how similar the Technical Preview was with the final release that shipped the first day.
And, it hasn't really been all that long since the final release of Windows 10 started hitting machines. I would suspect they are working on fixing it. Although, it would be nice to hear from an actual Piriform employee stating that they are actually working on this specific bug. Even better, a rough estimate of when it may finally be fixed would also be good if they're willing to state that too.
i totally agree with you and yr clear and detailed post!
no fix yet..
Why astonishing when ccleaner comes out on a relatively regular Monthly basis and Win10 was released less than a month ago.
The developers read every thread, but rarely comment unless they need more information, as they've not commented it is likely (though not guaranteed by me as I've no actual connection with them) they are looking into what you've put here.
My 2$
I believe that these two reg. entries are connected to the cloud storage "OneDrive". (although I could be wrong I haven't dug that deeply).
OneDrive is embeded in the Windows 10 OS.
Even if you turn OneDrive off as a default storage option it is still there as part of the OS, and so will recreate these reg. entries if you delete them.
This is not a bug, just something new in Windows 10.
Make them an exception and you won't be bothered by them.
I expect the developers will make them a general exception in the next CCleaner release.
"I expect the developers will make them a general exception in the next CCleaner release."..:
me too!!
just to let you know that last 5.09 solve the issue!
hats off all ccleaner's devs !