Will I see the light of day? (clearing duplicate files)

Hello everybody. I'm just doing something that should have been done eons ago, clearing duplicate files. It appears I have gigs and gigs of duplicates. I've been here for 2 hours so far this morning and 5 hours yesterday clicking the boxes of what I want to delete. (I'm guessing leave one item unchecked so I don't delete the file?) Please help me. (is that pitiful enough?)



Not sure what the question is here, but i'll say yes you are using duplicate finder as you should, just be sure to only remove duplicates that you know should be removed (such as documents, pictures, video, music) as many program and system files are duplicated on purpose by the program or windows.

Sorry, I just wanted to make sure I was supposed to leave one box unchecked in a group and see if there was a way to speed this up.



How can I look only for duplicate pictures? I don't see a place to only search jpeg for instance.

Added: I found where to refer to jpegs etc, but still would love to find out how to ONLY include jpegs without having to say everything I DON'T want to look through. Hints anyone?