Will CCleaner--free version--recognize a new browser?

I recently installed Waterfox, and when I opened the cleaner, it was not listed in the list of items to be cleaned, along with my other three browsers.

Can it be added, or does ccleaner--free version--only recognize the ones more people use?



Waterfox browser is not on the cleaning lists by default, but you can add it to Custom Clean in a couple of different ways.

(It can't be added to Health Check, what Health Check cleans is fixed).

The easiest way:

The user developed/supported 'Winapp2.ini' add-on includes cleaning for Waterfox, - as well as other Mozilla based browsers (Pale Moon,Sea Monkey, etc) plus other browsers and apps that are not included in CCleaner as default.


Alternatively :

Y</span></span>ou could set the required pathnames yourself by modifying your 'CCleaner.ini', see the following article about cleaning Mozilla based  browsers,


and this thread about Waterfox in particular (note that it's a bit old and so things may have changed).


A third option is to work out the paths where Waterfox is storing it's caches etc, and add those paths (or selected files from those paths) as 'Includes' in Custom Clean. But that would not give any boxes to tick/untick, and instead you would need to tick 'Custom Files and Folders' under 'Windows>Advanced' in Custom Clean.

Maybe the easiest route is by using the Custom Location that Nukecad already linked to here. It's easy to configure, although Waterfox will be listed as Firefox in CCleaner.



Thank you; I'll give it a whirl soon. I'm not really hip to registry tinkering, but on the face of it, there seems enough information to get me going.

I may return if I have a problem, and thanyou both for the tips.


You don't need to tinker with the registry, that's just one method of doing it.

Although I am fairly comfortable in the registry I wouldn't do it that way myself - I'd just use the winapp2.ini, or modify the CCleaner.ini.

The advantage of using the winapp2 is that it is maintained by those who are familiar with it's syntax and use; and so if there are any future changes to Waterfox, or any other app that it covers, then it will be updated to reflect those changes.