WIld Card Folder Support


Since version 3 is now out. It would be a very good idea if you will add "wild card folder" support. That way even more app can be added to the winapp2.ini file. There are apps like, Skype, trillian and so forth that have a folder related to the users login name. So adding support to be able to clean the "wild card folder" would be a great addon. So ppl do not have to modify the .ini file to point to there needed folder information.

IE, for skype

User must change he info to there folder name

FileKey1=%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Skype\Change Line\Chatsync|*.*|RECURSE

Wild Card Folder (no change needed)




The only problem with this would be like..



True, hopefully if he add the support. It will have support for the final folder to be like that too (wildcard) with cleaning after it.


The only problem with this would be like..



How true!

Although, going by that logic, couldn't a user just simply input something that could wipe out, say, system32 folder if they wanted without even needing to input a recurse option?

Hopefully, it is understood that if someone knows enough to edit the file, they are knowledgeable enough to not input system folder areas...

That's just my 2 cents worth, but feel free to add your response...

I'd really like wild card folder support, it'd open up a whole new range of cleanable programs, from things like messenger programs to broswer profiles.