Why so slow in auto mode ?

I had to try this. I compared the speed of manually analyzing my C: drive and then cleaning.

When I go directly to clean, it does the analysis then cleans and takes 3 - 5 times longer.

Same deal with Defraggler only worse and way slower when using DF.EXE in a .bat file.

What am I missing. I admit to never reading the readme files and even joining a forum first :unsure:

Any clues, wiz kids...........


I had to try this. I compared the speed of manually analyzing my C: drive and then cleaning.

When I go directly to clean, it does the analysis then cleans and takes 3 - 5 times longer.

Same deal with Defraggler only worse and way slower when using DF.EXE in a .bat file.

What am I missing. I admit to never reading the readme files and even joining a forum first :unsure:

Any clues, wiz kids...........


I am unsure if you mean running it on auto from a bat file makes a difference, or if you are referring to manually running ccleaner, as opposed to analyzing & then running ccleaner.

I tested the time it took to clean when I hit clean, & ccleaner returned that it took 1.118 seconds to clean the first time.

The second time, I clicked analyze & it returned that it took 0.124. Then I hit clean & it took 1.180 seconds.

The total for analyze + clean is 1.304, which is 0.186 seconds longer than just clicking clean.

I don't know about you, but I rather just click clean & save that 0.186 seconds. I didn't even calculate the number of seconds you wait between clicking analyze & then clicking cleaning, which would have probably boosted it to 2 seconds longer!

Every second is important to me! I have every one of the 88,600 seconds in a day maxed out in my schedule!