Why Opera's cookies check box isn't ticked by default?

I think it should be ticked.

Probably because some people will have cookies they don't want deleted.

Do you understood my question?

I couldn't understand your answer, firstly because CC is a cleaning tool (it's made for cookies cleaning, etc.) secondly because the other browsers' cookies checkbox is ticked by default.



Cookies aren't useless.

So why Firefox's cookies checkbox is ticked by default? ??

I agree it should be checked by default if the others are.

But i would not let it get to you since you only have to do it once.

So why Firefox's cookies checkbox is ticked by default? ??

I don't know. If I could choose CCleaner's default settings, I wouldn't check it.

But you're right - if all other cookies are checked, Opers's should be checked too.

I agree with consistency.

For the sake of safety perhaps the installation / unzip should commence with a default of NO cookies removed.

That way the new user will suffer the minor inconvenience of checking the box if he wants cookies to go,

but other new users will happily run CCleaner and still be able to logon to their favourite sites,

and not know how close they came to disaster due to unexpected defaults.


I can't agree on letting all browsers cookies checkboxes unticked by default. :mellow:

CCleaner is made to clean temporary files and cookies are included in that category.

If we are going to untick these checkboxes then we should untick history, cache, recently opened things, temp files because they are important for safety or useful on some way? I don't think so. What would be the use of a cleaning software?

The default setting for do not delete "24h or less time" files is enough for safety.

I can't agree with you.

Cache files are re-created automatically ; cookies are not.

So I hope all browsers cookies checkboxes comes now unticked by default and that CCleaner becomes useless.

So I hope all browsers cookies checkboxes comes now unticked by default and that CCleaner becomes useless.

If every checkbox was un checked then ccleaner would still not be useless.


Can someone please make the Opera cookies checkbox come ticked by default in the next version as it comes ticked for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome? Or Opera should really be the only damn web browser which the damn cookies checkbox come unticked by default? (yes, I'm starting to get angry, anyone noticed this)


So I hope all browsers cookies checkboxes comes now unticked by default and that CCleaner becomes useless.

I laughed at this. :)

It is STUPID for any new option to be checked by default, unless all the following conditions apply :-

1) It is KNOWN to be safe ;

2) It is PROVEN to be safe by previous good experience for at least one release for users to enable and prove for themselves on their specific machines ;

3) CCleaner itself is NOT already installed ;

The above applies to what were new options for Wipe Free Space and Secure Deletion,

I see no reason for Opera's cookies to be suddenly destroyed without warning just because the user never realised the new version would clean a bit "better".

I will not object to new options being checked by default so long as there is first an option that is only enabled by the user,

and remembered for future installs, to

ENFORCE NEW OPTIONS (kill me now!).

There are much better junk cleaners than CCleaner for people who want the deepest possible automatic cleaning,

but those people probably learn the locations of all the local corner computer repair shops ! !


So I hope all browsers cookies checkboxes comes now unticked by default and that CCleaner becomes useless.

I laughed at this. :)


It is STUPID for any new option to be checked by default, unless all the following conditions apply :-

1) It is KNOWN to be safe ;

2) It is PROVEN to be safe by previous good experience for at least one release for users to enable and prove for themselves on their specific machines ;

3) CCleaner itself is NOT already installed ;

The above applies to what were new options for Wipe Free Space and Secure Deletion,

I see no reason for Opera's cookies to be suddenly destroyed without warning just because the user never realised the new version would clean a bit "better".

I will not object to new options being checked by default so long as there is first an option that is only enabled by the user,

and remembered for future installs, to

ENFORCE NEW OPTIONS (kill me now!).

There are much better junk cleaners than CCleaner for people who want the deepest possible automatic cleaning,

but those people probably learn the locations of all the local corner computer repair shops ! !

LOL..... I think you don't understood...

The other browsers cookies are cleaned by default (ticked by default), so why not Opera ones are?

This topic is stupid. I mean, why should this topic exist? I mean, I know Opera web browser cookies should be ticked by default. :/

The default setting for do not delete "24h or less time" files is enough for safety.

This is pure fiction and suggests little concern for truth or the protection of the innocent.

I can not find evidence of a 24 hour protection.

I think there used to be a checkbox to that effect, but I cannot find it now.

I have found in the documentation that by editing an INI file it is now possible to achieve 48 hour protection.

That was your careless mistake.

Far worse is your unwarranted assumption that any time limit would protect the interests of the innocent and naive.

The documentation refers to temp files, it does NOT refer to cookies.

I have found *.tmp files in TEMP folders that are NOT protected.

I suspect that 48 hour protection applies to temporary files held in one specific folder as defined by the environmental variable %TEMP%. N.B. There is a big difference between "TEMP folders" and "%TEMP%"

I assume there could be a few other "well known" folders that MIGHT be similarly protected, but that is purely a matter of trial and error.

I really doubt that CCleaner protects any cookies by virtue of the 48 hour protection,

but I have no intention of installing Opera to prove this.

I suggest you Clean all your Opera cookies etc and close CCleaner and then browse with Opera to collect some brand new fresh cookies.

Then shut down and reboot and without any Opera actions launch CCleaner.

I suspect you may find cookies listed and ready to go.

Now run CCleaner and observe whether or not your hopes are true, or whether as I suspect the 48 hour protection does not apply.

I find of interest this complaint under General > Announcements > CCleaner v2.35 :-

Guys, I don't mean to be aggressive, really, but you should NEVER, EVER activate options like "Added Session Cleaning for Firefox and Google Chrome" by default! I've lost both my sessions with over 40 tabs each! Doh!

I sincerely believe an option should be an option, not an imposition from on high.

Let the user control it.

If he never had that option before,

do not force it on him,

assume he chose CCleaner for the safest possible cleaning,

if he really wants bleeding edge technology he would have chosen something other than CCleaner.

If the user cannot easily click on an option to improve his cleaning,

then you have a user who will not know what to do when things fall apart,

and he probably will not know of this forum,

and may be unable to understand and implement any advice he is given.

I accept that you are lazy and do not want to click on a new option,

but it is only one action, what is so hard about that ?

Just click it and get on with your life.

Instead you persist in bumping your post and typing far more characters than I care to count.

Please just click it the once ! !
