Why only 98% analysis with v3.09.1493?

Version 3.09.1493 only analyzes 98% on XPsp3. Happen to anyone else? Thanks for your help, this never happened before.

Not enough information for anyone to answer

uncheck everything on both tabs

test each checkmark individually (check mark>analyis>uncheck>repeat)

report back one what entry it is hanging

Not enough information for anyone to answer

uncheck everything on both tabs

test each checkmark individually (check mark>analyis>uncheck>repeat)

report back one what entry it is hanging

Nergal, thank you for replying. Completed what you asked. Still only 98%. Will remove with Revo, then download and install new - maybe a hang-up on installation causing 98%.

you didn't complete what I asked because you still haven't said what entry or entries hung.

you didn't complete what I asked because you still haven't said what entry or entries hung.

Nergal, thanks again for your help. I uninstalled and reinstalled and ran the cleaner without checking any boxes, post-55957-0-25169300-1314022258_thumb.jpg and received 100% - but if I checked any of the boxes below 'Windows Log Files', (see attached), then run the cleaner, only 98% again.

Your close to doing what I said but not yet

  1. Uncheck everything
  2. Check ONLY DNS Cache
  3. run analysis
  4. Does it freeze at 98%?
  5. Now UNCHECK DNS Cache
  6. and Check ONLY FTP accounts
  7. run analysis
  8. Does it freeze at 98%?
  9. Now UNCHECK
  10. and check the next and repeat the proceedure
  11. and the next and continue through ONE-AT-A-Time every check on both pages (except Wipe free Space)
  12. Report Each and every check that causes the issue

Currently I believe that it is either

1) a security product stopping certain items from being removed


2) you are not running the program as an account with Administrator privilages

Is this an installed version? or a portable one? If installed have you attempted analyising with the portable version? and if so does it have the same issues

can you run ccleaner in debug mode and provide us with the log file?

to do this

  1. go to the run box
  2. type
    "c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe" /debug 

    Make sure to use the quotation marks they are important (replace c:\program files\ccleaner\ with the location of your ccleaner install)

  3. Check everything (except Wipe free Space . . . NEVER CHECK WIpe free Space)
  4. Run analysis, let it hang at 98%
  5. give up (close ccleaner I mean ;) )
  6. open your ccleaner folder (c:\program files\ccleaner)
  7. attach the created log file to this thread

PROBLEM RESOLVED! When I run the CCleaner interface restored down to around 35% of the screen, the analysis reveals 98%. Restore up so the interface fills the page - analyze and receive 100% every time.

THANKS NERGAL! :D And thanks to all at the Piriform Team for providing superior products and support.

Thanks for posting back what solved it for you :)

It may help someone else who ever gets that problem.