Why isn't this an option?

Wonder why CCleaner developers, seeing the number of people who would like an "all-in-one" pack don't just invent a single .exe file that you can place CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva, & Speccy all into the same folder as the EXE & it will auto detect whichever products you have in that folder with it, & give each one a tab with the same name as the executable.


User has tabber in the same folder as CCleaner.exe, Defraggler.exe, & Recuva.exe.

Tabber auto creates tabs labeled CCleaner | Defraggler | Recuva, & also uses the appropriate icon gleaned from each.

Users would rejoice everywhere, because now, they have a way to "use them all in the same app", yet, they do not have to be bundled or have "version" updates. All a person would have to do to "update" a version, is simply locate the tabber folder & overwrite the old ccleaner/defraggler/whatever with the new exe!

This solution is so ingenious, I am suprised that noone thought of it before me! This will solve nearly all the problems about people asking it to be "bundled"!

Open to thumbs up or down on this one, but why not? So simple, so elegant!


Even more people only want to pick and choose.

I see what your saying, Alan.

But if this existed, you could not only use it for Piriform products, but if something such as Tabber existed, you could use it to "combine" any executable into "one" tabbed user interface.

Would be potentially great!

CCleaner | Defraggler | Recuva | Speccy | Malwarebytes.....

Think of the simplicity!

I see what your saying, Alan.

But if this existed, you could not only use it for Piriform products, but if something such as Tabber existed, you could use it to "combine" any executable into "one" tabbed user interface.

Would be potentially great!

CCleaner | Defraggler | Recuva |Speccy | Malwarebytes.....

Think of the simplicity!

It's a nice idea, but I do see some problems. What about programs that have already existing tabs, like MalwareBytes which contains multiple tabs?

It's a nice idea, but I do see some problems. What about programs that have already existing tabs, like MalwareBytes which contains multiple tabs?

No problem there...

The program would simply launch.

Why would having tabs affect anything?

The launcher would NOT be to prevent apps from having tabs, but rather to vastly simplify the launch of apps on a flash drive.

Once they are launched, I see no problems...

I think this is not the first time this was suggested. Many other maintenance programs have combined their maintenance tools into one suite but many of these programs are paid to unlock their full potentials. I have a split opinion on this one actually. I think there's a point, its a nice idea because it can make things easier but some people like what Alan said would disagree because they would rather prefer to use other products in place of Piriform products. They may use CCleaner but they'd rather choose a different defrag tool over Piriform's Defraggler. I think, this is why Piriform chose not to merge all their products into one suite because they wanna offer the users a choice. Hope that helps.

No problem there...

The program would simply launch.

Why would having tabs affect anything?

The launcher would NOT be to prevent apps from having tabs, but rather to vastly simplify the launch of apps on a flash drive.

Once they are launched, I see no problems...

Again the majority would not want this because it is NOT suitable for an installed application.

Only the minority, such as myself, use the portable version of CCleaner.

An App Launcher needs to be on the flash drive ready for instant use regardless of the drive letter assigned by the P.C. it is plugged into.

N.B. I have a few GB of portable tools / applications / and Open Office in a separate partition on my old laptop XP,

and Macrium backup images of all partitions.

I now have a new Desktop with a fresh Windows 7,

and having simply restored the macrium image of the XP Portable Partition to Windows 7,

I have not needed to re-download or re-install anything I collected over the years.

I think this is not the first time this was suggested. Many other maintenance programs have combined their maintenance tools into one suite but many of these programs are paid to unlock their full potentials. I have a split opinion on this one actually. I think there's a point, its a nice idea because it can make things easier but some people like what Alan said would disagree because they would rather prefer to use other products in place of Piriform products. They may use CCleaner but they'd rather choose a different defrag tool over Piriform's Defraggler. I think, this is why Piriform chose not to merge all their products into one suite because they wanna offer the users a choice. Hope that helps.

Oh, I do realize that. I am not suggesting that the apps be merged together, but stay individual.

My suggestion was to create an EXE (perhaps name it tabber?) that you can drop into a folder.

Then, you can drop other executables into the same folder as Tabber.

When you run Tabber, it picks up the names of all the exe files you dropped into the folder with it, & names each tab based on the name of the executables it finds.


You clicked Tabber.

Tabber launches.

CCleaner, Defraggler, & Recuva are in the same folder as Tabber.

So Tabber launches with 3 tabs called CCleaner | Defraggler | Recuva

Users could then just launch one file called Tabber, that would load all the other apps in tabs.

This way, a tab could be made, say for Backup | Clean | Updates etc...

The files would still be individual, but Tabber could add any app in the same folder as it is in. Users could then create a single SFX app with WinRar to run them all from a single interface.

By doing it this way, users would have the option of only using what they want, kind of like you put things together with legos.

Tabber would be the "building block" & could shrink or grow automatically depending on what users dropped into the same folder.

I know where you are going and I had suggested this myself a long time back. Hell, I even made a mockup.

But I realized it was a no go. Makes no sense honestly.

I personally dont think this is a bad idea as long as the programs were still offered individually. Honestly it makes a lot of sense to say "hey you have ccleaner, recuva, and defraggler. Why not make them have a single interface".

However how many times have you seen a suite where they combine programs and then over time the individual products start to suffer. Look at say firewalls and AV programs. The "bloat" often comes into play when you try to do this, instead of what you have now where they are trying to make the best programs in each of their classes. I think thats a lot of the reason many people don't want to see this happen.

Also I would argue the programs may not have as much to do with each other as you would think. Why would you want to run ccleaner and recuva at the same time. (unless of course you accidentally deleted something you shouldn't have. :P )

I personally dont think this is a bad idea as long as the programs were still offered individually. Honestly it makes a lot of sense to say "hey you have ccleaner, recuva, and defraggler. Why not make them have a single interface".

However how many times have you seen a suite where they combine programs and then over time the individual products start to suffer. Look at say firewalls and AV programs. The "bloat" often comes into play when you try to do this, instead of what you have now where they are trying to make the best programs in each of their classes. I think thats a lot of the reason many people don't want to see this happen.

Also I would argue the programs may not have as much to do with each other as you would think. Why would you want to run ccleaner and recuva at the same time. (unless of course you accidentally deleted something you shouldn't have. :P )

Oh, no, no, no!

Your getting it all wrong, lol!

The point is NOT using them at the same time!

I use them because I help other people, & some people deleted things they shouldn't have, while others have never seen a disk cleanup or defrag in years!

Flash drive utilities? YES!

The only thing I have wanted along these lines is fpor them to install to a Piriform directory by default, and have them all under one folder in my start menu and my Program Files folder. I feel like this would be useful.


I still think a defrag carousel would be cool. ;)